b'14American Journal of Transportation ajot.comZIM to launch a new Mexico to Tampa shuttle service in DecemberZIM announced the launchreefer & special equipment)of the new Mexico - Tampa shut- CallingatATPTerminalin tle service (MTS), commencingAltamiratoprovidethemost inmid-December,expandingreliable quality serviceZIMsregionalnetworkand Extended cut-off dates and quick providing new options for cus- IMO Cargo approval processtomers in Mexico & the US. Door-to-doorandend-to-end The new MTS will deployinland servicea 1000-TEU vessel on a weekly, Fully dedicated ZIM-operated fixed-day schedule between thevessel portofAltamira,MexicoandYoramDallman,ZIMVP Tampa, Florida in the US. TheLatinAmericaBusinesUnit, service will depart Altamira onsaid: The new MTS is a valu-FridaysandcallatTampaonableadditiontoourgrowing Mondays. regional network, strengthening On top of the best-in-mar- our position as the fastest-grow-ket 3-day transit time, the newing ocean carrier in the Mexican MTS offers many advantages tomarket.MTSwillenableZIM customers, including: customers to benefit from a fast, Guaranteedspaceallocationreliableconnectionandtop-The largest of their kind in the United States, these cranes will be able to accommodate ultra-large container vessels,andcontaineravailability(dry,level customer service.or ULcvs, that make regular stops in virginia and even higher-volume ships of the future.Americas largest cranes arrive at NIT increasing the Port of Virginias ability to handle ships of the futureThePortofVirginiawel- the future. These cranes have theCombineourland-side comed a pair of massive containercapacity reach across a vessel thatinvestmentswiththewidening cranestoNorfolkInternationalis26containerswide,whichisanddeepeningoftheNorfolk Terminals (NIT), the final piecesthree-to-fourcontainersbeyondHarbor and its channels and we of equipment needed to completethe reach of most cranes. will have all of the pieces in place the$450million,two-a-half- Oncethenewcranesareto drive cargo growth, job expan-year-long renovation of the ter- operational,ThePortofVir- sion and economic development minals South Berth. ginia will have 30 ship-to-shoreacross Virginia for the next gen- THE Alliance announces ItsalandmarkmomentcranesatworkintheNorfolkeration.Italsomeansthat,in for The Port of Virginia becauseHarborandtheabilitytoser- parallel, were providing a high- updated service adjustments it signals the completion of thevice the biggest container shipslevel of efficiency, service, and overallexpansionofthisportsailing the Atlantic Ocean: VIGcare to our customers and usersfor December 2020that started back in 2016, saidwill have 12 cranes and NIT willof The Port of Virginia.John F. Reinhart, CEO and exec- have16.PortsmouthMarineCrane Specifications: In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the members of THE utivedirectoroftheVirginiaTerminal has six cranes, but two Crane height = 170 (52m) liftAlliance have been making service adjustments to better align their Port Authority. With these unitsof those units are being retired. above the dock resources to match the fluctuating demand of the global shipping well have significant lift capac- These cranes are the cap-Boom-out length = 226 (69m)market. You will find details on the December 2020 updates below.ityintheharborandtheabil- stoneofthe$800millioninfrom the rail closest to the wateritytohandlemultipleULCVsland-sideinvestmentsweve Total height with the boom upA siA Andn orthe uroPe[ultra-largecontainerships]atmadeatbothNITandVIG,= 446 (136m) FP1, FP2, FE2, and FE3 will maintain weekly sailings in Decem-once at both NIT and VirginiaReinhartsaid.Westartedthe Width between the legs = 59ber, except for in the following week:InternationalGateway[VIG].effort in late 2016 and the result(18m)Week 49FP2 voidThis benefits the ports users andis 1 million units of additional Rail Gage = 100 (30.48m) THE Alliance will continue to operate the FE4 Extra Loader it says, very clearly, to the oceanlift capacity. Weve modernized Unit weight = 1,827 tons Program in December. The respective Lines will separately provide carriers and the industry that weourterminalsfromthegateto Lifting capacity = 65 long tonsadvice regarding participation in the Extra Loader Program.are prepared to handle big shipsthe berth and created a twenty- under a twin-20-foot spreader orA siA And them editerrAneAnandgrowingcargovolumesfirst century, world-class port. 100 long tons under cargo hook MD1,MD2andMD3willmaintaintheirweeklysailingsin safely,swiftlyandsustainablyDecember, except for in the following week:for decades to come. Week 51MD3 voidInAugust2017theVir- Maersk works with HTAt rAnsPACifiC w estC oAstginiaPortAuthorityBoardof Commissionersapprovedthe purchase of four new cranes forto solve issues All PSW (including India leg for PS3) and PNW loops will main-VIG and that contract includedtain their weekly sailings in December.anoptionfortwoadditionalThe 2020 transpacific peakAmericasRegionalManag- t rAnsPACifiC e AstC oAstunits for NIT. The cranes wereseasonhascreatedchallengesingDirectorsaidWeareAll USEC loops will maintain their weekly sailings in December, builtbyShanghai-basedZhen- formanylandsidelogisticsworkingcloselywiththeHTAexcept for in the following weeks:hua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd,providerstryingtokeeppaceandourcustomerstomanage Week 50EC3 void(called ZPMC), the same com- with import cargo volumes thatthroughthispeakseasoneffi-Week 52EC3 voidpanythatbuiltanddeliveredtest port and inland distributionciently. Every week brings new four identical cranes to VIG ininfrastructure. volumes,newchallengesandA siA m iddlee AstJanuary2019.AlsoonorderMaerskisactivelyworkingopportunities so it is essential weAG1 will remain merged with AG3, the AG2 and AG3 will main-from ZPMC are two more, iden- with the Long Beach, California- collaborate effectively with ourtain all sailings in December.ticalcranessetfordeliverytobasedHarborTruckingAsso- HTA partners. We are exploring NIT in early 2022. ciationwhosemembershipofshort-termandlong-termsolu- t rAnsAtlAntiCThe largest of their kind in the15,000+truckdriversperformstions with all our key stakehold- Alltransatlanticloopswillmaintaintheirweeklysailingsin United States, these cranes will bethe important role of harbor truck- ers to address the situation. December, except for in the following weeks:abletoaccommodateultra-largeing from ports to warehouses andAs the global integrator of Week 50AL4 voidcontainer vessels, or ULCVs, thatdistribution centersessential tocontainerlogistics,Maerskis Week 53AL1, AL4 voidmakeregularstopsinVirginiasupply chain success. (ISSUEScontinued on During these unprecedented times, the members of THE Alliance and even higher-volume ships ofNarinPhol,MaerskNorth page 15) have endeavored to keep the supply chains of its customers moving.'