b'November 23 - december 13, 2020MaritiMe Section 15ACL AJOT_SailSchedule_2020_ACL2/27/209:33 AMPage 1OONNEESSHHIIPPC onCo nttaaiinneerrss,,RROORROO,,BBrreeaakkbbuullkkCCaarrggooThe new service stands to reduce the cost of transporting blueberries.First on the West Coast,RORO Customer ServicePort of Hueneme secures cold- A SERVICE AL1 SERVICE AL2 SERVICE 877-918-7676Cuto Friday Cuto Thursday Cuto Monday Export Customer ServiceFROM NEW YORK LOLO RORO LOLO LOLOtreatment finishing on-dock TO Transit Time Transit Time Transit Time Transit Time 800-225-1235ANTWERP 1620 18Export Documentation KnownasthebananaportseaportinthereefersegmentDUBLIN 12888-802-0401Import Customer ServiceoftheWestCoast,thePortoflocated near the largest consumerBELFAST 13888-802-0403Hueneme can now add anotherbase on the West Coast marketGTEBORG 21Logisticstitle to their brand: the PeruvianforwhichtheseblueberriesareHAMBURG 13 17 15 22 866-821-7449blueberrypilotPort.Beingtheintendedfor,insteadofbeingLE HAVRE17 Credit & CollectionsLIVERPOOL 9 13specializedreeferportofthetrucked from the East Coast. ThisLONDON GATEWAY20 19 888-225-7747U.S. West Coast, Hueneme hasreductionwillconsequentlycutROTTERDAM11 20beenabletoreceivecompletedairemissionsby3,660tonsof cold-treatedproducecontainersCO2,11.56tonsofNOx,900 for years; however, they are nowpounds of PM10, 820 pounds of goingtobemakinghistorybyPM2.5,and60poundsofSOxKonecranes brings mobile harbor crane offering the ability of completioneach year of the pilot.ofthistreatmenton-port.ThisI would like to thank ourwith innovative drive to Florida portnew service is the first of its kindpartners at USDA, CDFA, and on the West Coast and stands toVenturaCountyAgriculturalInSeptember2020,thePanamaCityPortus to meet tight deadlines. Now we would like a reducethecostoftransportingCommissioner Ed Williams forAuthority (PCPA) ordered an eco-efficient Kone- crane that will help take us into the future, with blueberries, eliminate thousandstheircollaborationandfaithincranesGottwaldMobileHarborCranefortheirflexible,environmentally-conscioustechnology of pounds of Green House Gases,ourPorttobringthisprogramoperations at Port Panama City, in the Florida Pan- thatdoesntcompromiseonperformanceina and support local California andto fruition, said Kristin Decas,handle,USA.Withdeliveryandcommissioningbusy harbor environment.Peruvian growers. CEO & Port Director. This newplanned for April 2021, the crane will handle con- The new crane will be a Konecranes Gottwald OxnardHarborDistrictpilot program will enable blue- tainers, general cargo and breakbulk. Model 6 Mobile Harbor Crane in the G HMK 6407 Board President Jess J. RamirezberriestocomedirectlytotheEstablishedin1945,thePCPAoperatesthevariant, the same model they ordered in 2014. It stated, This new opportunity isWest Coast from Peru during thePort of Panama City which is located on Floridasgives a maximum lifting capacity of up to 100 t and not only a game changer for ourgrowing off-season in the UnitedGulf Coast approximately 150 miles east of the Porta working radius of up to 51 m, with the outreach blueberry partners, but also willStates, benefiting consumers andof Mobile, Alabama. The port is a growing regionalneeded for ships up to post-Panamax in containers help reduce air emissions acrosslocal blueberry companies alike. hubprovidingservicesforintermodalcargo,and Capesize in Bulker class. The new crane will the U.S. and spur local job cre- Additionalsafeguardswillincludingroad,railandbarge.Recentdevelop- be equipped with an external power supply to be ation, a win-win-win. This newbeimplementedtohelpreducement added the East Terminal in early 2020, whichoperated via the existing harbor mains. When trav-servicewillbeginimmediatelyany risk of insects hitching a rideincludes new facilities for deepwater access and theeling and during autonomous operation (if a con-as a one-year pilot program, andontheblueberriestoCaliforniaexport of forest products, with another berth andnection to the harbor mains is not available), the willeliminateover2.2millionincluding:monitoring,security,more storage warehouses coming soon. Plans forcrane can also use its innovative onboard hybrid vehiclemilestraveled(VMT)and working closely with the localthe existing West Terminal include a new containerdrive, combining a Volvo Penta diesel genset with across America. The blueberriesVentura County Ag Commissionerfreight station and an expanded bulk storage facil- ultracapacitors.Theultracapsprovideadditional willbeimportedfromPerusand Customs and Border Protec- ity. In order to increase the overall tonnage capac- power for heavy lifts and are refilled by recuper-CallaoandPaitaPortsviathetion Agricultural Inspectors as theity, PCPA looked for a new mobile harbor crane thatatingloweringandbrakingenergy.Thisspecial Port of Hueneme, a specializedblueberries arrive. can handle the most common types of cargo. system gives maximum adaptability in changing Over the last 10 years, weve operated twoport conditions and ensures that the crane is always Konecranes Gottwald mobile harbor cranes andready to deliver loads to or from the terminal. It (ISSUEScontinued from based on customer and truckerweve been delighted, says Wayne Stubbs, Exec- also follows the strict EPA Tier 4 standards, reduc- page 14) needs during peak season. utive Director of Port Panama City. Their cranesing local emissions and noise while also lowering in daily contact with the HarborMaersk operates in the 2Mhave always been efficient and reliable, helpingenergy and maintenance costs for the port.Trucking Association and keepsAlliance,consideredthesim-a meeting cadence with Westonplestandeasiestoceancarrier LaBar,thePresidentofthealliancebytruckerstowork Harbor Trucking Association towith(sincethealliancecon-hear and share feedback on ter- sistsofonlytwooceancarri-minal performance such as truckersMaerskandMSC-and gates,appointmentsystems,only two ports in the LA-Long empty returns and ways to opti- Beachcomplex).Thiseaseof mize the trucker experience ofuse by truckers allows them to HTA members. efficientlypickupandreturn APMTerminalsPier400containers to two ports located LosAngelesisthelargestvery near each other. Plus, the privately-operatedcontainer2M port in Long Beach, MSCs terminalintheLosAngeles/ TTI, offers truckers one of the Long Beach portand in Northbestappointmentsystemsin America.Assuch,itplaysathe harbor to support their daily pivotal role in the daily flow ofplanning and time management cargo with the trucking commu-as well as Saturday gates.nity. Working daily with LaBar,Equally important, Maersks the terminal is focused on dualRegional Head of Transportation, transactions,whichenableaBill Peratt, based in Los Ange-trucker to return an empty con- les, sits on the Harbor Trucking tainerandpickupanimportAssociationProductivitycom-container for local delivery. 65%mittee chaired by Weston LaBar, ofPier400sgatetransactionsto lend his voice to finding solu-are dual transactionsand thetionstothetruckingindustrys goal is to increase this, enablingchallenges using his harbor-wide higherproductivitytripsforexperienceandrelationships harbor truckers. Pier 400 is alsofromAPMTerminalsPier400 offering late night, Friday gatesoperations, Maersk Warehousing from 6:00 pm3:00 am and Sat- & Distribution management and urday gates 8:00 am4:00 pmtruck operations management. The Panama city Ports eco-efficient Konecranes Gottwald mobile Harbor crane in operation.'