b'November 23 - december 13, 2020breakbulk quarterly7(WINDcontinued fromexposedbedrockandotherously been attempted. alongdifferentrouteswouldsteels assessment. The U.S. is page 3) hardsubstratearelocatedprovideredundancyforthestillstrugglingtocontrolthe offshore California sites onlywithinmarinehabitatareasn eArshore Ando ffshore transmission system in the casevirus spread, the organization accord the developer the rightwhere cable protection meth- s trAtegies one cable incurs a fault or isreported,andtherecovery to build a windfarm. There isods may be either expensiveBased on the location anddamagedbutwouldcomeatmomentum might taper off in still the challenge of permit- ornotpermittedbyagen- mitigation possibilities for thean additional cost of approxi- thecomingmonths.World-ting,finance,constructioncies.Potential interferenceshazards and constraints, twomately$1billion.Shouldsteel also warned that its global and logistical support.with or damage from fishingpotential cable corridors havemultipletransmissioncablesforecast assumes that despite activitiesifthecableisnotbeendeveloped:aNear- berequiredtosupporttrans- the current resurgence in infec-e AstC oAsto ffshore able to be buried or otherwiseshore corridor, an Offshoremissionofmultipleoffshoretionsinmanypartsofthe t rAnsmissionl ine protectedNo power cablescorridor. Both corridors havewindfarms (greater than 1800world,nationwidelockdowns Sternsaidamajorchal- havebeeninstalledtothesignificantchallengesthatmegawatts), separation of cablewill not be repeated.lenge for wind turbine develop- depths required to route off- would need to be overcome toroutes should be considered toAlthoughChinaappears ers, who are currently developingshore of the subsea canyonsinstall and operate an HVDCreduceriskofcabledamagetohavedealtwiththevirus wind farm projects on the U.S.(over9,000feetdeep),andlink,thoughthechallengesdue to the hazards identified. relativelysuccessfullysofar, EastCoast,islinkingpowerproven cable technology hasmaynotbeinsurmountable.asecondwavecouldgive generated by wind farms off- notyetbeendevelopedforFurther analysis may be con- Australianiron-oreexport-shoretoland-basedtransmis- installation at these depths. ducted to refine the severity of(OUTLOOKcontinuederspause.Steelmakingcould sion systems. The offshore route will likelythese risks and to develop pos- from page 5) contract sharply with a second TheproposedAtlanticrequirecrossingtelecom- sible mitigation strategies.constructing about 1,000 ware- coronavirus outbreak in China, Wind Connection (AWC), inmunicationcablesinveryTheconstructioncostofhouses in the next year or two. accordingtoareportfrom which Google was an inves- deepwater(5,000feetorthe system is estimated to beAustraliasDepartmentof tor,plannedtoaddressthisgreater),whichwillrequireapproximately $2.13.1 bil- m omentum Atr sk with Industry, Science, Energy, and issue by building an offshorepermissions from the existinglion, depending on whether onei nfeCtions Resources, or if Chinese gov-transmissionlinesoastooperators.Thoughtelecom- or two cables are installed: ItOverall, Millett maintainsernmentstimuluseffortsfall linkwindfarmsplannedoffmunicationcablescrossingsis likely that a single pole paira very bullish attitude, but heshort.Ifthosenegativeeven-thecoastsofstatesbetweenat these depths are common,(onecablebundle)wouldbeadds a caveat: You cant telltualities materialize, the report New Jersey and Virginia andpower/telecommunicationable to meet the rating require- what may happen as the pan- warned,lookforacooling connectthemtoland-basedcable crossings at this depthmentsof1,800megawattsdemic continues to unravel.in Australias iron-ore exports transmissionsystems(seedo not appear to have previ- (MW).InstallingtwocablesThat comports with World- toward the end of this year. map below on page 3).Sternbelievestheproj-ect was ten years ahead of itswww.spliethoff.com | [email protected]. If built today, the AWC could create a new transmis-sion system as a back-up toTHE FIRST AND ONLY YEAR-ROUND LINER SERVICE oldertransmissionsystems as well as streamline the gridBETWEEN EUROPE AND THE GREAT LAKESand transmission delivery for windfarmsbeingdeveloped along the East Coast. anNOT LOCKED DOWN ! ANTWERPSternsaidbuilding AWC-typesystemforCali-forniawouldcreateanew transmission system, replace older land-based systems and improve delivery of offshore windfarm power. CLEVELANDThe Humboldt State Uni-versity report describes how such an offshore transmission line could be built off the U.S. Pacific coast but also outlines the challenges that need to be addressed.h AzArds AndC onstrAintsWE ARE Thereportwarns:TheSTRONGsubseastudyareabetween HumboldtBayandSFBay includesbothnaturaland anthropogenicconstraintsand hazardswithvariablelevels ofrisk.Thesehazardsand constraintswillrequirea combination of avoidance and mitigation measures to install a transmission cable between the two areas. Risks due to hazards and constraints are the following:Hazards: Deep subsea can-yons extending from the near-shoreareatodepthsbelow thecontinentalshelf,where subsealandslidesstrong enough to rupture cables are common.Seismic fault line surface displacements which may be too large to mitigate for.CablerepairsmaybeQuick transit time to Cleveland in about 15 days Line-supplied containers, project, heavy lift, steel, requiredwithamajorseis- Through bills of lading forest products and bulkmicevent.SomeoftheOnward connections using SpliethoffsCalling various Great Lakes ports, incl. Valleyfield largestsubseasandwavesinEuropean and Americas logistics network and Rameys Bendthe world are present outside the Golden Gate, which may preclude subsea transmission cableroutingthroughthe Golden Gate. Constraints:Areasof'