b'MARCH 20 - APRIL 16, 2023TEMPERATURE-CONTROLLEDLOGISTICS TRI-ANNUAL 19(BALANCEScontinuedworkedsince2010fortheLineage Logistics announces Lineage Fresh, from page 16) ProduceMarketing Associa-walk away in the last year ortion, which merged to createexpands fresh produce offering in Europeso, because they were gettingIFPA.Hesaysrefrigerated more for dry containers. oceanfreightisthesecond,Lineage Logistics, LLC one of the leadingthe integration of customs bonded facilities.or third, most common ship- temperature-controlledindustrialREIT(realLineageFreshbringsstate-of-the-art P roduce aNdF uture ping method for perishables.estateinvestmenttrust)andlogisticssolu- fresh capacity and product expertise to our r eeFers hiPPiNg If floral products are counted,tionsprovidersworldwide,announcedLin- expanding European network, and connects Treacy indicates that six orthatairfreightmovespro- eage Fresh, a new strategic service in Europe,the growing fresh produce market with cus-sevenpercentofallmarineduceoceancargotothird,launched last November in the US, which pro- tomersacrossEuropeandtheworld,said containersarerefrigerated.behind truck and floral trans- vides fresh storage solutions for major import- EdwinWentink,vicepresident,Business Freshproduceisasubsetportation volume. ers, grocers, and producers of fresh fruit andDevelopment Europe. Lineage Fresh capi-Shippingproduce, as part of its participation in the Fruittalizes on the investments we have made in produce by sea,Logistica trade show in Berlin. Kloosterboer Groups legacy of fresh prod-Containers and chassis are no longerof course, takesLineageFreshwillallowproductswithuct expertise and its class leading facilities in shortage. The primary shortageplace every day,a short shelf-life to face fewer obstacles, lessinRotterdamandVlissingen,alongwitha now is in volumes. Ed Treacy, IFPA allaroundtherisk,andlessspoilagewithLineagescoldgrowingfootprintinSouthernEurope.We world. storage technology and leading logistics net- are excited to highlight this new solution as ofthatreefervolume.Pro- Treacy works with all IFPAwork. Leveraging the Companys expertise aspart of our participation in Fruit Logistica in duceischargedpremiummembers,whoarelocatedinaglobaltemperature-controlledstoragepro- Berlin this year.ratesbecausethosecontain- 56countries.Thus,shippingvider,LineageFreshisdesignedtocatertoFreshproduceimporters,exporters,and erscostmoreandthereareroutes of his concern not onlybusinesses in which food safety is critical andtheinternationalfreshfruitandvegetable insuranceexpenditurestoinvolve North America, but alsospeed to market is essential. The new value- communityatlargehavebeenexperiencing help cover the risks. I thinkroutes such as Mexico, Chile,added services and specialized capabilities ofsignificantserviceandcapacityissueswith theshippinglinesarenotandSouth AfricashippingtoLineageFreshincludere-packandbaggingtheir fresh products. To address Lineage cus-goingtoignoreproduceinEurope. Ocean-encircled Aus- services, reconditioning, restacking, restyling,tomers needs, Lineage has made significant thefuture.ItisaprofitabletraliaandNewZealandarecontainer plugs, multi-temperature zones forinvestment in the space to meet the demands item,butCOVIDtaughtusalso important parts of IFPAsproduce, cold treatment, fumigation, containerof the fresh market and to create a truly con-what should be done in han- strong membership. drayage,juiceprocessingandblending,andnected fresh network.dling produce. At the same time, there is greater innova-tion by seaports and on ships toaccommodatefreshpro-duce. He notes that in Dubai, extensivecontainerracking has been made to serve reefer customers, to streamline access tothecontainersingreatest needofexpeditiousmove-ment.Thealternative,of course, is to stack reefers in large blocks, which is a big challenge,involvingupto a two-day wait to retrieve a container, when it is time to move produce to the market.Theuseofrefrigerated breakbulkshipsincreased over about 18 months around COVIDoceantransporta-tiondisruptions.Insomeof these cases, fruit that had been shippedinreefercontainers found itself on pallets in refrig-erated ship holds. The old stan-dardtechniquerequiresmore touchesofaperishableprod-uct.Theadvantageofbreak bulkshipisthatlessvolume is needed to make an efficient shipment.Forthisreason, Treacybelievesreeferbreak-bulkwillalwaysbeasmall percent of the trade, but he does not see recent increased usage marking a trend. a ligNiNgd ataSomeeffortsareunder-waytoalignlogisticsdata requirements across the supply chain, regardless of the ship-ping line or freight forwarder, they will work with the same data set.COVIDhighlightedthe fact that everyone in the busi-nesshaddifferentdatato movefreight.Ifashipment movedfromonecarrierto another,allthedataonthe shipment needed to be input a second time. We need to get beyond that, Treacy says.g lobalP roducet raNsPortatioNTreacyhasanalmost 40-year background, primar-ily in retail logistics. He has'