b'26American Journal ofTransportation ajot.comGCT Deltaport Berth Four(ALLIANCEcontinuedthe Alliancehandled23,682ports trade with Asia, China from page 22) vehicles, a 63.4% increase overisthekeytradingpartner. project part of wider expansion MT but even during the pan- January 2022. With the COVID lockdowns demic the breakbulk numbersinChina,tariffsandgen-Global Container Terminals Canada operates tworoseover366,000MTbyt erMiNal5aNdt rade eral slump in global trade, the gateway terminals in the Port of Vancouver. GCT2021beforeracingpasttheIn2022,PhaseOneofexpectationfor2023isless Deltaport,Canadaslargestcontainerterminal400,000 MT mark in 2022. Terminal5(T-5)inSeattlethan the heady numbers posted located in the outer harbour at Roberts Bank andAnotheroverlookedseg- was completed, and the northin 2021, coming out of COVID GCT Vanterm situated in Vancouvers inner har- ment of the NWSA cargo port- berthopenedforbusiness.oreventhelevelingoffyear bour. GCT Vanterm is one of the most productivefolioispetroleum.In2022OnJanuary7th,2022,theof 2022. Container volume for terminals in the region.theAlliancehandledoverMSCMonterey was the firstthe month decreased 21.7% to 700,000MTofpetroleum,vessel to call the newly mod- 213,095 TEUs. The real prob-c halleNges aNdo PPortuNities and in most recent years hasernized T-5. There has beenlem was that full box imports Theneedforflexiblecapacitytomaintaincargoveloc- posted well over 600,000 MTsincetheprojectsinceptiondeclined 30%. The bright spot ity is critical and has been demonstrated through the supply the notable exception beingalways a lot at stake with thewas that full box exports grew chain challenges faced globally and locally over the past years.2021 during COVID. T-5projectfortheNWSA.3.8%inJanuary,thesecond GCTs ability to provide surge capacity, especially through theTheautobusinessseg- With the T-5 investment, theconsecutive month of growth.Deltaport Intermodal Rail Yard and the partnership with supplyment has also emerged as aAlliance expects to hit aroundStartingmid-March,the chain partners and customers have allowed GCT to continue tostrongsectorforNSWA.In7 million TEUs by 2050, andOcean Alliances Pearl River meet surge demand and the evolving needs of the supply chain.2022theAlliancehandledwithout T-5 the number dropsExpress Service is scheduled The importance of continued collaboration with all supplynearly173,000units,upto 5.3 million TEUsa droptobegincallingSeattles chain stakeholders to maintain fluidity is critical. This collab- 6.5% over 2021. The increaseof 1.6 million TEUs.Terminal18.Theservice oration will also be critical on the collective journey towardsin auto volumes was largelyT-5s attraction and poten- calls between China and the lower emissions industry-wide.duetoGlovisAmericastial,isbasedondeepwaterU.S. West Coast will feature For terminal operators, ensuring that regulators are com- consolidation ofitsKiaandalongsideandtheavailabil- 15,000 TEU vessels. With a municating amongst one another, and regulations are effectiveHyundaivehicleimportstoity of on-the-dock rail whichSeattlelast-port-of-call,the and not layered unnecessarily helps avoid unneeded cost burdenthe NWSA. The recent num- connects the port to the Northservice will focus on exports, and red tape that can disincentivize investment. bers suggest that these totalsAmerican hinterland. bringingadditionalcapacity GCTcontinuestoproactivelyinvestincapacityexpan- will rise as in January 2023LikeotherWestCoastfor exporters in the region.sionastheyprepareforthe next stages of growth in the Gateway.GCTsfocuscon-tinues to be providing adapt-able,incrementalcapacity that services their customers, maintains competitiveness and isresponsivetothemarket, whichgiventhedramatic changes seen in container trade in the past 3 years, is essential tomaintainingacompetitive and resilient business. r eceNtd eveloPMeNtsGCT Canada has a long and successful history of incre-mental, market-driven expan-sion in the Port of Vancouver, withover$650millionof investments over the past 12 years, including most recently: $160 million investment into themodernizationofGCT Vantermincreasescontainer capacity by around 25% within the same footprint, including the2021commissioningof two new 14,000 TEU capable megamax cranes. $300 million Deltaport Rai-lyard expansion project, fully online in 2020, enabling GCT Canada to be more equipped tohandlecargosurgeswith more efficient track configura-tion, modern semi-automated cranes,andinnovativeoper-ating centres. All of which is enablingfasterrecoveryand provingitssurgecapacity throughsupplychainchal-lenges of the past year. As the premiership-to-railterminal on the continent, rail handling capacityatGCTDeltaport hasincreasedbymorethan 50% due to the project. The total terminal capacity is now 2.4millionTEUsannually. Thisstate-of-the-art,fully operational rail yard provides necessary surge capacity and added certainty on transit and dwell times.d eltaPorte xPaNsioNb erthF ourP roject(dP4)AndGCTsnextincre-mental expansion is the $1.6 (PROJECTcontinued on page 28)'