b'MARCH 20 - APRIL 16, 2023NORTH AMERICAS TRANSPORTATION & LOGISTICS NEWSPAPER 39ACL AJOT_SailSchedule_2020_ACL2/27/209:33 AMPage 1117 years and counting!TheTrafficClubofNewstillhasbi-monthlymeetingstoONE SHIPYorkcontinuestothrivewithdiscuss ways that they can helpONE SHIPover 550 members from through- each other and their respective out North America.You dontClubs. NATCA Clubs also offerC ontainers, RORO, RORO, Br, Breakbulk Ceakbulk Carargogohave to live in NY or NJ to bemember pricing on some of theirContainersa member, in fact, over 40% ofevents.membersarefromoutsidethe tri-state area. a l ittleh istoryThegoaloftheClubistoTheTrafficClubofNew bring together transportation pro- York was founded on April 10, fessionalsforthepurposeof1906.Annualdueswere$10 networking, developing partner- for resident members and $5 for ships, and creating strategic busi- non-resident members. ness solutions in the industry. Thefirstheadquartersof the Club was in the old Waldorf-e veNtsAstoriahoteluntil1928when TheClubhosts1-2Edu- thehotelwasdemolishedto cationSeminarsperyearwithmake way for the new EmpireRORO Customer Servicesomeofthehottesttopics,StateBuilding.Bythen,theA SERVICE AL1 SERVICE AL2 SERVICE 877-918-7676chosen to appeal to most of itsClub had over 1,700 members.Cuto Friday Cuto Thursday Cuto Monday Export Customer Servicemembers;typicallydesignedThey had multiple headquartersFROM NEW YORK LOLO RORO LOLO LOLO 800-225-1235withadiversepaneloftrans- through the years, with the mostTO Transit Time Transit Time Transit Time Transit Time Export Documentation ANTWERP 1620 18888-802-0401portation professionals to give amemorable to be at 15 VanderbiltDUBLIN 12 well-rounded perspective. Avenue on top of Grand CentralBELFAST 13Import Customer ServiceThey have 2 golf outings aStation through 1983. This loca- GTEBORG 21888-802-0403year.And for those that are nottion was complete with a diningHAMBURG 13 17 15 22 Logistics866-821-7449golfers (yes, there are a few ofroom, wait staff, a cigar lounge,LE HAVRE17 Credit & Collectionsthose), they can elect to join theand on any given day, you couldLIVERPOOL 9 13 888-225-7747networking portion after. findover100transportationLONDON GATEWAY20 19A new favorite event is theexecutives doing business. ROTTERDAM11 20Lobsterfest.This years will be the 12th Annual this June, named after long-time Secretary / Trea-surer, Joe Pirozzi who served on the Board for decades.Its not the Crab Feast, but they do get upwards of 150 attendees.The dayiscompletewithLobster, shrimp, clams, chicken, salads, dessert and coffee.Add to that somelibations,includingbeer, wine and punch and its a party. Likeanold-fashionedpicnic, thereiscornhole,horseshoesTHE MOST MODERN and the highlight of the day has become the Bocce Tournament.GATEWAY IN AMERICAA great way to relax, network, and meet new and old friends in the industry. Uniquely powered by The Virginia Model, TheThanksgivingLuncheon,The Port of Virginia is the Port Authority, Marine held on the Tuesday before Thanks-giving, has been a tradition of theTerminal Operator, and Asset and Equipment Owner, Club for decades, maybe even agiving unprecedented control and unparalleled support century.Gone are the days when everyonewouldleavewithato usher cargo into the heart of North America.free turkey that they would have tojumponthesubwaywith, replaced with a turkey gift cer-tificate raffle.A few new events have beenRanked Top Port in5.8+ million TEU added over the years, like Top- North America capacitygolf,aHockeygame,andthe Club will be co-hosting a Dinner Cruise with the NY/NJ ForeignIndustry best turn times Successful 30% FreightForwarders&Brokersemissions reduction* Association in September.TheyTwo Class I on-dock will also be co-hosting TCNYswith net-zero carbon Lobsterfest this year. railroads reaching 75%emissions commitment TheTCNYScholarshippro-gram was formed in 2000, andof U.S. within two days. by 2040the Committee distributed the first awardsattheAnnualDinner18,000+ port owned- $1.4 Billion Gateway in2001.22yearslater,over $260,000hasbeenawardedtoand-operated chassisInvestment Program memberschildrenandgrand-children.This program is fully the youngest fleet in underway that plans funded by the generous supportNorth America with a for the growth of your andcontributionsofmembers and their companies. 99% in-service rate business.c aMaraderie aMoNgt raFFicc lubs Besides a new-founded co-hosting venture with the NY/NJ FFF&BA, TCNY is part of an alliancecalledNATCA,North AmericanTransportationClub Alliancewhichwasfounded duringthepandemicasaway for 5 Traffic Clubs, TCNY, Traf-fic Club of Chicago, Traffic Club of Montreal, Toronto Transporta- *Scope 1 & 2 GHG Emissionstion Club and Los Angeles Trans-portation Club, to come together tocreatejointvirtualeventsfor members during COVID. NATCA'