b'4American Journal ofTransportation ajot.com(EXPANDINGcontinuedwill be handled through Bruns-from page 2) wick, and were going to build decided to renovate Savannahsanotherro/roterminal,said Ocean Terminal, transformingLynch. That project could start it from a multi-use facility toas early as this summer and be acontainerterminal.Thero/ ready to go in 2025.ro and breakbulk cargo that isAutos and heavy machin-now handled at Ocean Termi- ery cargo grew 9% in January, up4,600units to57,127.For we should start seeing the num- the fiscal year to bers stabilize and get back to normal.date,Brunswick Thelasttwoyearshavenotbeenisup16.7%to normaltheyvebeenridiculous.over 411,000 ro/Griff Lynch, Georgia Ports Author- ro units.ity executive director TheBruns-wick Harbor Mod-nal will be directed to the Portifications project will enable the ofBrunswick,whereharborport to handle larger ro/ro ves-improvementsandanexpan- sels. It came to our attention sionattheColonelsIslandthatjustascontainerships Terminal are underway.were getting larger, so were Because of the demandro/rovessels,saidLynch. onourfacilities,wehaveThe project is making sure decidedtoconvertOceanthere will be passing lanes for Terminal to containers, saidthelargerro/roships.The Lynch.Completionofthisproject, designed by the U.S. project will improve our flex- ArmyCorpsofEngineers, ibility and allow Georgia portsis expected to be completed to optimize cargo movement.within two to three years. The Georgia Ports Authority will construct seven additional refrigerated container racks at Garden City Terminal in Thero/rocarrierWalleniusSavannah, for a new total of more than 3,500 plugs.(Georgia Ports Authority / Stephen Morton)Wilhelmsen,thelargestcus- r etaiNiNgd ivertedtomer in Ocean Terminal, willF reight GPAisintentonDistribution facilities and cold-chain be headed to Brunswick.The ButsomeofSavannahsretaining as much cargo diverted breakbulkcustomersmayfrom West Coast ports as it can.infrastructure booming in Georgiahavetofindanotherhome,The Mega Mason rail project Lynch added. Coiled steel andand planned inland develop- Investments in cold-chain facilities bolster booming reefer business.rubberaretwocommoditiesmentsaredesignedtohelp that may end up in other ports.dojustthat.ThetransferofBy Peter Buxbaum, AJOTcargo from West to East was o ceaNt erMiNalr ebuild not an anomaly, said Lynch.TheGeorgiaPortsAuthority(GPA)isrefrigeratedstoragefacilitywasopenedby The200-acreOceanTer- Itsbeengoingonforoverincreasing its chilled cargo handling capacityLineageLogisticsinJanuary,andotherpri-minal facility will be modified20 years. In recent years, itsto stay ahead of demand growth, an anticipatedvate concerns are looking to make investments in two phases. Rebuilding thebeen tough to nail down howincreaseofabout15,000TEUsannuallyinand will be forthcoming with announcements, docks will provide 2,800 linearmuchgrowthhasbeen Westchilled imports. The addition of seven refrig- according to Lynch. Investments in industrial feet of berth space, capable ofCoast diversion versus organicerated container racks at the Garden City Ter- real estate generally are also growing robustly serving two large ships simulta- growth versus COVID.minal in Savannah, will bring the total in thatin the Savannah region.neously with new ship-to-shoreWefullyexpectsomefacility to over 3,500 plugs, while Ocean Ter- We saw that investments were happen-cranes.Theprojectwillalsocargo to go back, but we alsominal provides another 368 refrigerated plugs.ing on the warehousing side, said Lynch. So, bringexpandedgatefacilitiesexpectalotofittostay,The GPA board approved construction of thewere making sure that we have the power and to allow for 1.5 million TEU ofLynch added. We are seeing$6.2 million project at Garden City in January. the refrigerated plugs that can support these annual capacity.ashiftintheoriginofthePrivatechilledandfrozenwarehouseincreases in refrigerated cargo movements. AdjacenttothePortofcargo as production moves tospace in the Savannah region is set to grow SavannahsmaincontainerSoutheast Asia and India, andby 10% to 15% in 2023, adding over 2.2 mil- P erishablesb othi NbouNd& o utbouNdterminal, the Garden City Ter- (EXPANDINGcontinuedlion square feet to capacity, according to GriffPerishables are a growth industry in Savannah, minal West project will deliveron page 6) Lynch, executive director of the GPA. A new(BOOMINGcontinued on page 8)another 90 acres of new stor-age,supportedby15electric rubber-tiredgantrycranes. GardenCityTerminalWestCargo Group LLC willstoreupto20,000con- 6232 Hwy 21tainers, said Lynch, and its goingtohavefullyelectricSavannah, Ga 31407 cranes. The $200 million proj-ectiswellontheway,he912-966-2066 added, with a first phase open-ing in August and more coming online through January 2024.www.CargoGroupLLC.com One thing weve learned inrecentyearsis,notonly havetherebeenberthchal-lenges, but customers need aCAPABILITIES place to put their cargo when theres a backlog, said Lynch. US Customs Bonded Thats why our team decided to make this investment.Transload & Drayage At the Port of Brunswick, Export Flat Rack Loading anadditional360,000square Crating & Packing feetofdocksidewarehous-ing, three additional buildings, Non-Compliant Wood and and 85 acres of storage space willgrowannualcapacityinVacuum Services Brunswickfrom1.2million Domestic Cargo Routing to1.4millionunitsofro/ro cargo. Were investing over Inventory Management $200millioninenhancingYour Global Connection Partner 3.5 Miles from GPA Gates the capabilities for high and heavycargo,ro/ro,andother breakbulk-typeproductsthat'