b'MARCH 20 - APRIL 16, 2023BREAKBULK QUARTERLY 35(DEVELOPMENTScontinuedpresent, less attentive or unavailable from page 34) staffshavemeantthatcomplicated by Logistec, and Empire Stevedoringproblems have too often added up and (Bickerdike Terminal)canhandleallnot been resolved promptly.types of breakbulk, general and project To me, Tombs stressed, this cargo,includingout-of-gaugepieces.simplyunderlinesthenecessityfor Afterdecliningtojustover64,000anin-your-faceapproachandfor metric tons in 2020, breakbulk volumebeing there, being on-siteto sort climbed to 211,082 tons in 2021. outprojectlogisticsproblemsone-LogistecsLaurierterminalsinself, where possible. several sections of the port are special-Another way of putting itwe ized in handling bulk, breakbulk, proj- must unmask the problem causers and ectcargoandheavylift.Warehousesproblem neglectorsto force through offer ample storage for such products assmooth, successful operations for our mineral concentrate, gypsum, fertilizer,vital shipments.The BBME 2023 called for greater female participation in the industry. andothercommodities.TheLogistec terminal in Section 98 provides a largeg reatl akesa ctivityBreakbulk Middle East highlightslaydown area for out-of-gauge projectOntheGreatLakes,theHamil-cargo near off-dock facilities. ton-OshawaPortAuthority(HOPA) significance of the Gulf ports Offering some candid but funda- hasseenitsfinishedsteelimports mentallyoptimisticthoughtsonthefromEuropeandSouthAmerica Event underscored womens empowerment, education, digita- currentforwardingmarketwasvet- have remained brisk since they were lization and connectivity.eranfreightforwarderGuyTombs,firsttriggeredbyAmericantariffs. presidentofMontreal-basedGuyWere also paying attention to steel By Manik Mehta, AJOTTombs Limited. and other components required for the The project and heavylift marketauto industry that normally come out ThankstotheGulfportscom- 6,496visitorsa94%surgeoverisnowagainveryinteresting,heof Ukraine or Russia, said Ian Ham-manding position in sea trade with the2022that included project ownerssaid. I say this with a few caveats ilton, president, and CEO of Canadas rest of the world, driven by massiveandindustry-dedicatedprofessionalsthe project and heavylift sector is inbiggest Great Lakes port. oil, gas and petroleum-based exports,from sectors such as freight forward- many ways general freight writ large. Webelievetheresalreadya andburgeoningtransittraffic,theing, logistics solutions, ports, termi-Over the past three years therepent-up North American demand for regionsportsarealsoanimportantnals,etc.fromtheMiddleEastandhavebeennewsupply-chainhead- automobiles,householdappliances conduitforthebreakbulksegmentNorth Africa (MENA) region achessomeofwhichwehadnotand other steel-related items, Ham-whichwasthecentralthemeoftheTheBBME2023,enjoyingtheexperiencedbefore:Marinetermi- ilton stated.BreakbulkMiddleEast2023exhi- patronageoftheUAEMinistryofnals closing suddenly without notice,A trio of tunnel boring machines bition-cum-conference,heldattheEnergy and Infrastructure, called forno trucks being available on certain(TBMs)recentlyarrivedbyocean Dubai World Trade Centre on Feb.13greaterfemaleparticipationinthetrade-lanes,over-relianceonauto- carriers in Ontarios Greater Golden and 14, 2023.industryandforattractingqualifiedmated systems that cannot keep up. Horseshoe, destined for Metrolinxs AccordingtotheBBME2023young talent to build up next work- TherearemultipliereffectsEglinton Crosstown West Extension organizers, the regions most impor- (HIGHLIGHTScontinued onfrom confusion, delays and increased(DEVELOPMENTScontinued on tantbreakbulkexhibitionrecordedpage 36) costs.Shortages of personnel or lesspage 36)EUROPE - GREAT LAKES SERVICELiner servicebetween Europeand the Great LakesContainer service between Antwerp and Valleyfield, Cleveland and Duluth CONTAINERS Liner owned equipment door-to-door serviceBULK CARGOMore info:www.spliethoff.com orPROJECT
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