b'32American Journal ofTransportation ajot.comBrazil steps into vacuum left BREAKBULK QUARTERLY by reduced steel exports from Russia and UkraineIncreased domestic construction and infrastruc-turespending,andapositiveeconomicoutlook for 2023, could mean increased steel consumption at home.By Peter Buxbaum, AJOTThe war in Ukraine, andgrowthinitsexportvol-the sanctions imposed by west- umes, Brazil has entered this ernnationsontheRussianvacuum to make up some of steelindustry,hascompro- the shortfall.misedglobalsteelsupplies.AccordingtoWorldsteel, Amongothermeasures,theRussiaproduced7.2%less UnitedStatesimposedsanc- steelin2022thanin2021. tions against two of RussiasRussiasMinistryofIndus-largeststeelproducers,Sev- tryandTradereportedthat Federal Marine Terminals at the Port of Hamilton is part of the network bought by Logistec.Photo credit: Fednav Ltd. erstal and MMK. The Unitedsanctions affected the export Kingdom implemented a totalof4.8milliontonsoffin-Canadian breakbulk marketban on iron and steel productsishedsteel,semi-finishedsteel, from Russia and the Europeanandsteelpipe.InJanuary poised for new developments Union(EU)bannedsupplies2023, Worldsteel reported that of several Russian rolled steelproductioninRussiaand andpipeproducts.AndtheUkraine was down 24.9% for productionandexportingofthe month, while Brazils was By Leo Ryan, AJOT steelfromUkrainehasbeenup 12%.disruptedasaresultoftheThewar-relatedsupply Twosignificantdevelopmentsonegovernment officials were paying considerablehostilities. restrictions prompted Brazil, already announced and the other to come soonlip service to expanding infrastructure invest- theworldseighth-largestwill have an impact on a bustling breakbulkments and accelerating the green transitionN eWs teels ourciNgsteelproducer,toincrease market in Canada. of the Canadian economy. t her ise oFb razil exportstoEurope,which Industry watchers will be reviewing withHowmuchsuchobjectivesretaintheirThisstateofaffairshasgrewbynolessthan710% particular attention the contents of the federalimportanceremainstobeseeninlightofledsteel-consumingcompa- in the first half of last year, 2023 budget to be unveiled in Ottawa on Marchtheministerslatestcautionarymessageofnies,especiallyinEurope,accordingtodatafromthe 28 by Chrystia Freeland, Deputy Prime Min- prudentfiscalrestraint.Moreover,manytolookforothersources(VACUUMcontinued on ister and Minister of Finance. Until recently,(DEVELOPMENTScontinued on page 34) ofsupply.Judgingbythepage 33)OOGDEPENDABLE WEEKLY SERVICEFLATRACK & BREAKBULKFeatures: Benefits: Lump Sum, All Inclusive Rates Attractive and Predictable PricingWeekly Frequency & Expedient TransitReliable and Dependable Service Broad Scope of Port Coverage Vessel Connections you Require Port to Port / Door to Port / Door to DoorFlexible Pricing you Require Knowledge and Experienced OOG Team Building Trust and ConfidenceContact us today for your OOG shipment needs!New York:Chicago: San Francisco:516.829.0647
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