b'MARCH 20 - APRIL 16, 2023PACIFICCOASTPORTS 31rels of liquid cargo (throughareawhereourportisrighttherefore Hawaii.pipelines),movedthroughup against residences. And so,KalilisaysHawaiimay Port Hawaii.were working with my coun- needmorehelptofurther Kaliliexplainedtheportterpartsat(theState)High- invest in its infrastructure and operation: The center of Hono- ways to look at either doing aconnectingwithourcon-luluHarborisSandIsland,roadway expansion or addinggressionaldelegationabout whichiswheremostofthea center turn lane. gettingresourcesforport cargocomesinto.ThatisIn the meantime, the Stateinfrastructure.Thatsdefi-about112acresthatssplitisworkingwiththeU.S.nitely an important addition to betweenMatsonandPasha.Army Corps of Engineers tothoseconversations.Should Matsonoperatesonaboutdeepen the ship channel drafttherebethisconflict?What 80-81acres.Pashacurrentlyin Honolulu but also to lookdo we do? What do we need? operates on about 31-32 acres.at sea level rise threats: WeAnd how do we get that?The addition of the 80 acres atarecurrentlyworkingwith Kapalama Container Terminalthe Army Corps on a feasibil-(KCT)amountstoan80%ity study for modifications to(CHALLENGEScontin-increase of cargo yard opera- thefederalwaterwayinourued from page 30) Fairview-Ridley Connector Corridor reduces trans-loading distance totions. So, we can one, accom- harborthatensureswecanto our remarkable zero-emis-container terminal from 12 miles to 3 miles. modate more cargo, but moreaccommodatelargervessels.siondemonstrationprojects (BLOCKScontinued fromthis year. These projects col- importantly we can work offShips are just going to keep since our determination in page 28) lectivelywouldrepresentof a wheeled operation rathergrowing and growing as ourNovember2017toachieve criticalcomponentofthethebeginningofoneofthethan a stacked operation. Thisrequirements and demand forzero emissions.PrinceRupertGatewaysinter- mostcapital-intensiveperi- way cargo containers can becargogrow. AndIthinkweLongBeachhasestab-modalecosystem,isnowods in the Prince Rupert PorttouchedonceratherthanamightreachapointwherelishedaZeroEmissions, operational, he began. Authorityshistory,withnumber of times. vessels may be too large. ThisEnergyResilientOperations Three years in the making,approximately$2.5billionmeans at our existing facili- Programknown as ZEERO thefive-kilometrestretchofin infrastructure investmentss eal evelr ise ties there are dredging needs. to invest in projects aimed at road has since last August beenexpected to begin this year. To defend against sea levelSheaddedthatthefea- reducing the impacts of opera-drawing containers headed toTotalcontainerthrough- rise,KCTwasraised3feetsibility study with the Armytions and improving air quality. theDP WorldPrinceRupertput for 2022 was down 2% fromabove other piers.Corpswasprobablyaspi- ZEEROsupportsthedevel-FairviewContainerTerminalthepreviousyear.DespiteFollowingthecomple- noffofthelockanddamopmentofrenewableenergy awayfromthecentralcoretranspacific intermodal importtionofKCT,theStatewillidea to look at a lock and damprojects,includingthePorts anddowntowncitystreets.volumestrendingdownwardbeginupgradingtheYoungsystemforprotectingHono- proposedFloatingOffshore Itreducesthetrans-loadingin early 2023, the Port of PrinceBrothersTerminal(YBT)lulu Harbor. It is not currentlyWindStagingandIntegration haul distance to the terminalRupert is in a strong position towhich provides tug/barge ser- under consideration but rais- facility, known as Pier Wind.from 12 miles down to 3 milesgrowmarketshare,opinedvicetoHawaiisneighbor- ingthepiersatKCTandPerhaps the biggest chal-for the more than 200 trucksFriesen.DPWorldPrinceingislands. There,thepiersYoung Brothers by three feetlenge is with the truck drays. moving containers daily. Rupertsmostrecentcom- willalsobeelevatedby3means that lower lying areasOn February 8 thThe ports of Simultaneously, DP WorldpletedexpansionatFairviewfeet.There,majorupgradeswill be impacted: We wouldLongBeachandLos Ange-PrinceRupertcompleteditsTerminalmeansthatthePortarenecessary:ourdistrictjustcreatefloodingareasinles released a final report on southernexpansionoftheof Prince Rupert has approxi- operation guys, and our engi- parts of Honolulu, which wethe current state and overall Fairview Container Terminal,mately 600,000 TEUs of avail- neers like to remind me thatdont want to do. And so, Ivefeasibilityofusingclean, bringing total capacity to 1.6able intermodal capacity today. the piers that we operate onhad some conversations withheavy-dutydrayagetruck millionTEUs,andconnect- Furthermore, our activenow are like 120 years old. Athe City and County of Hono- technologythroughoutthe ing the two newly constructedplan to develop capacity increaseslotofthesubstructure worklulu departments that manageSan Pedro Bay port complex. developments through a newand transloading capabilitieshasbeenonamaintenancestorm water, and theyre veryThe2017CAAPUpdate truck gate, he explained. Inwith our partners will ensurebasisso we will be driv- early conversations, but wereestablished goals of ZE dray-combination, the private haulPrinceRupertplaysakeying sheet piles to support thetryingtoacknowledgehowagetrucksby2035andZE road and new rail infrastruc- roleinservicingtheoverallpiers rather than just the postsoursystemsinterconnect.terminal equipment by 2030. ture that make up the Corridorgrowth in volumes expectedthat we have.And so, I know the ArmyBut meeting these goals will directly link transloading andintranspacifictradeforKalilinotedthattheCorps has some maps show- be a challenge for the truck marineterminaloperationsCanada over the next decadeYBToperateswithalltopingfloodimpacts(and)ownersandoperators.And within the Ports existing foot- namely,theFairview Ter- picks and forklifts and theresea level rise. And so, wereas McCown expressed emis-print with Fairview Terminalminalexpansionto1.8mil- certainlyisalotoffederallooking into it. sions arent necessarily a sell-andwillbeabletosupportlion TEUs, the Ridley Islandmoneyandnowstherightingpointwithshippers,If efficienttransportbetweenExport Logistics Project, thetime to look at maybe electri- W hats thea lterNative ? youre talking about shippers futureimportandexportSouth Kaien Import Logisticsfying some of the operation.Kalilinotedthatinthemany of them embrace some logistics sites. Project, the proposed Secondevent of a hurricane or otherkindofreductionofemis-Container Terminal,andtheP ortc oNgestioN natural disaster incapacitatingsions,butatthesametime, i NFrastructure various enhancements to theKalilisaidaproblematHonoluluHarbor,theislandthey tend to look at the regu-i NvestMeNts oNh orizoN connecting infrastructure serv- bothHawaiiislandportsisofOahuanditsneighboringlatoryauthoritiestodeter-Friesencontinued:Iing the port complex. congestion:Cargodoesntislands have no strong alterna- minewhatthatshouldbe. am pleased to share that themoveverysmoothlyinourtive port to unload containersAnd so, I think at least histori-PrinceRupertPortAuthor- cargo yards, which means abecause there are no containercally you havent seen a lot of ityandanumberofindus- (PREPAREcontinuedlot of trucks back up on thecranesatotherHawaiiportadditional points scored. This try-leadingcommercialandfrom page 24) highways.Andthatbackuplocations. The situation takesmay change, when a carbon IndigenouspartnershaveaIn Fiscal Year 2021, 1.5causesalotofimpacttoon an added concern becausetax comes into being, where significantcapitaldevelop- millionTEUsofcontainer- theneighboringcommuni- ofgrowingtensionsbetweenall of a sudden the emissions ment portfolio slated for 2023ized cargo, 169,000 automo- ties.Andtheyreallresiden- the US and China over Taiwanthat the different modes have, and beyond that are nearingbiles, 3.4 million tons of bulktialcommunities.So,inboththatcouldinvolvetheU.S.youknow,bringwithitan finalinvestmentdecisionscargo, and 22.52 million bar- placestheresanindustrialNavyatPearlHarborandeconomic cost.Weve got you covered!With Lynden you can choose the modeair, land, or seathat best fits your schedule and budget.1-888-596-3361 | www.lynden.com'