b"MARCH 20 - APRIL 16, 2023BREAKBULK QUARTERLY 37(HIGHLIGHTScontinuedtorsexpansionduringtheandinitiativesattheBBME(INVESTMENTScontin- (VACUUMcontinued from from page 36) Africa as a Region of Oppor- included the Women in Break- ued from page 33) page 34)Juma Al Mansouri, Undersec- tunity: Outlook, Projects andbulkNetworkingBreakfast;where MOE could be readilyTheEconomyMinistry retaryforInfrastructureandEntering the Market session. End-to-EndLogistics: Artifi- implemented with renewableis optimistic for 2023s pros-Transport Affairs at the Min- AbdullabinDamithan,cial and Business Intelligenceelectricity. pects,supported,itsays,by istry of Energy and Infrastruc- CEO & Managing Director, DPDrivingEfficiencyinPorts;Last October, ArcelorMit- greaterprivateinvestment, ture, stated that the world hadWorld UAE & JAFZA, empha- and Wind Energy in the UAE:tal broke ground on the DRI- capital goods imports, and a facedsignificantchallengessized that his group recognizedTransportation,Installation,EAFprojectinCanada,inhealthy rate of jobs creation. inthepastthreeyearsduethe project cargo and breakbulkand Lessons Learnt.partnershipwiththegovern- External demand for Brazils tosupplychaindisruptionsindustryasthebackboneofThebreakbulkshippingments of Canada and Ontario,goods has held up better than caused by the pandemic andmany businesses, from energyandportservicesdivisionwhich together kicked in halfit has for its peers, noted one geopoliticalunrest.How- to construction and everythingof the Wilhelmsen Group inthe costs, in a project that iseconomic report, with goods ever, the UAE and its mari- inbetween.AsaleadingtheMiddleEastwasupbeattargetingareductionintheexport growth reaching 5.5% time sector emerged resilientsmarttradeenabler,wecon- about robust growth in 2023.plantscarbonintensitybyin the fourth quarter. andrespondedswiftlytotinuallyinvestintechnologi- ThegroupsDubai-based25%in2030.Thenew2.5With economic uncertainty overcomechallengesandcal solutions like Dubai Tradevice president, Frederic Fon- million-toncapacityDRIa given, optimism for Brazils satisfy global needs. DespiteandCARGOESandupgradetarosa,maintainedthatwithfurnace,initiallytooperateeconomyin2023isrunning the unprecedented crisis, ourour infrastructure to cater to theproject activity levels return- onnaturalgas,willbecon- better than in some other cor-portsdemonstratedexcep- increased demands. Our invest- ing to normal and the indus- structed to be hydrogen readyners of the globe. If projections tionalresiliencetoensureaments allowed Jebel Ali Port totry recovering, the sector wasso it can make the transitionhold up, and additional invest-smoothflowofgoodsfromhandle over 40 million metricnow at almost the same pre- to that zero-carbon fuel whenments in construction and infra-one part of the world to thetonnesofbreakbulkcargoinpandemic level.supplies become available.structurecomethrough,its other, ensuring economic sta- the last 10 years. In 2022 alone,Hisgroupwastarget- The project will lay strongprobablethatBrazilssteel bility locally, regionally, andtheporthandledmorethaning a double-digit growth forfoundationsfornear-zerosteel- sector will not be able to con-internationally. 4millionmetrictonnes,up2023,givenitsinvolvementmaking, said Lakshmi Mittal,tinue to supply markets with He noted that in addition11percentyear-on-yearandin several initiatives ahead ofArcelorMittals chairman. Projectproductstheyareunableto SkysTheLimit2.pdf 1 12/13/2021 3:07:20 PMtorankingthirdintransportmarking one of our most suc- the COP28 (the UN Climateconstruction will be completebuy from Russia and Ukraine servicestradeandbunkercessful years in this sector. ChangeConference)tobein 2026 and the transition toto the same extent as it has supplyindex,theUAEwasOtherimportantsessionshosted by the UAE. DRI-EAF will be by 2028.over the last year.also re-elected to the Execu-tiveCounciloftheInterna-tional Maritime Organization (IMO), under Category B, fur-therconsolidatingitsrolein the global maritime spectrum. Hereinforcedhisministrys goaltoconstantlyinnovate andimproveourcapabilities in order to cement our posi-tion as a leading logistics and shipping hub. Hessa Al Malek, advisor totheMinisterforMaritime Transport Affairs, UAE Min-istryofEnergy,andInfra-structure, also referred to the global situation during a press conference in Dubai.WhileAt the Port of Baltimore, the sky's the limit. portsacrosstheglobesuf-feredfromcongestion,ourNeo-Panamax cranes. 50-foot deep berths. No supply chain congestion.portsshowcasedtheirexcel-lentcapabilitiesbyhandling huge amounts of cargo to keep tradethroughthecountry and the region flowing. This enabledtheindustryinthe CUAE to generate over Dirham M90 billion (approx. US$ 24.5 Ybn),avaluethatnoneofus could have imagined consid-CMering the difficulties that sur-MYrounded us, he said. CYToprepresentativesfrom CMYtheMinistry,DPWorld, Abu Dhabi Ports Group, DSV Solu-KtionsAbuDhabi,andother UAEorganizations,under-scoredtheBBMEscommit-ment to facilitate the industrys expansion in new markets, and work towards the sectors prog-ress across the globe.The BBMEs opening ses-sion, MENA Project Review, provided insights into major projects in the pipeline.Led byRyanMcPherson,Direc-tor, Middle East, Africa, Russia &CIS,EICUKMiddleEast (Branch), the session assessed the possible economic impact of projects such as the NEOM andKingSalmanEnergy Park in Saudi Arabia, as well as the North Field East LNGmarylandports.com 1.800.638.7519expansionprojectinQatar, followedbydiscussionsonMaryland Port Administration Executive Director William P. Doyletheopportunitiesinmarkets such as Africa for the break-bulkandprojectcargosec-"