b'MARCH 20 - APRIL 16, 2023GEORGIA PORTS9(PARTNERcontinued from page 6)Lake.TheGeorgiaDepart-ment of Transportation is work-ing feverishly to improve the road access in and out of the port so that it takes some of the pressures off local traffic.Othersimilarmeasures includetryingtodecrease interruptionsbyrailsothat localsarentaggravatedby having to wait for long freight trains to pass. Its a delicate balanceoftryingtokeep freight as efficient as possible andkeepingtheneighbors happy and feeling good about thegrowthintheirareas, saidLake.Wetrytohelp with innovative, outside-the-boxthinkingthatisnthan-dled by other groups.s uPPlyc haiNv isibilityLakes team is also work-ingtoboostlogisticsinnova-tion in Georgia by supporting theemblematicinnovationsThe CMA CGM Marco Polo docked at the Port of Savannah, GA. intodaysinformationtech-nologyarenaartificialintel-ligencemachinelearning. Wereinvolvedinvarious aspects throughout the educa-tionalsystemandinthepri-vatesector,saidLake.The desired end state is total visibil-ity within the supply chain.One company Lakes team is working with is Kale Solu-tions,whichprovidesanair cargocommunitysystemthatCAPACITY promotesbettercommuni-cationsandschedulingof trucksinandoutoftheairWHERE YOU cargofacilitiesatHartsfield- JacksonInternationalAir-port in Atlanta. The system improves data sharing withinNEED IT.theaircargosupplychain, said Lake. If you are able to adjust timings by as little as 15 minutes here or there you can reduceemissions,fuelcosts, and driver delays, all of which can add up to significant bot-tom-line improvements. Each Depot Wherever we have oppor- Featurestunity,wehelpmovetowardTwo or More greater connectivity by expos- Load Lifts ingtheseinitiativesatthe21 for Stacked and Wheeled Georgia Logistics Summit andOperationselsewhere,sheadded.We getconversationsandkeep conversations going on supply-chain and logistics innovationsDEPOT and efficiencies, and that helpsLOCATIONSlogisticsinGeorgiaandthe states economy overall.(BOOMINGcontinuedThe Marino GroupSolves capacity challenges for shippers, from page 8) expands to tacklefreight forwarders and truckers addresscapacityconcernsterminal congestionAlleviates terminal congestion that have previously impactedcrisis with new Facilitates swift movement ofthemarket,saidJimHen- import-loaded andderson,thecompanysviceloaded containerexport-loaded containers presidentofbusinessdevel- storage solution. Reduces pressure on theopment.warehouses and rail yards Lineages Savannah facil-ityiscompletelydedicatedFrees up much-needed chassistofreshproduce,Hender- Last mile capabilitysonadded,andwillhelp cutthroughportcongestion to ensure fewer obstacles in maintaining the freshness of the produce. Take advantage of the storage space while it is still available.Otherprivatecold-chain843-200-8349www.mrs-cmc.comlogisticscompaniesarealsodmiller@mrs-cmc.comlookingtoaddcapacityin Savannah, according to Lynch. BSYA 1015 Marino Group Capacity 8x10 AJOC.indd 1 3/9/23 11:11 AM'