b'24American Journal ofTransportation ajot.com(SUNNYcontinued fromfruits and tree nuts (5.4 %),Hawaii port projects prepare page 22) navigational and medical instru-January 2022 to $36,153 bil- ments (5.3%) and pharmaceu-lion for the first month of thisticals and medicines (4.7%).for bigger ships and rising seas year, an 11% decline. In the last five years, chemi-BeaconEconomicshascals have shown the strongest long been wary of the federalexport growth, he added. Hawaiis commercial harbor system operates as a hub-and-spoke system governmentsstate-of-desti- California states Bradleywith Honolulu Harbor as the hub and primary entry point for freight. But nation statistics. The concernalso told AJOTthe value ofcongestion and sea level rise could put the system at risk if not addressed.isthatthedatacapturesnottrade data is really imperfect just goods that are consumedandsureinflationhashadBy Stas Margaronis, AJOTbyCaliforniaresidentsoranimpactonthenumbers. businesses but a sizeable por- Instead,analysts,investorsThe Hawaii Department of TransportationPhase2wasawardedinlate2020for tion of imported merchandiseandotherbusinesspeople(HDOT)dedicatedtheKapalamaContainer$352.5millionandwillfeaturean18.5-acre offloadedatCaliforniaportshavetolookexceptionallyTerminal(KCT)Phase1andbrokegroundcontainer yard, 1,863 linear feet of additional whicharetrucked,railed,orcloseatspecificfacilities,on Phase 2 of the project designed to improveberthingcapacity,dredgingofthewaterfront flown to other U.S.markets. current and planned, for theircargohandlingcapabilitiesatthehubofand harbor channel, widening of Piers 40 and own expansion planning. Hawaiis commercial harbor system in 2021. 41 for wider inter-island vessels, reconstruction e xPortsF roMt heW orldsStill, there are plenty ofKCT Phases 1 & 2 are the centerpiece ofof Pier 41, and structural improvements to Pier 4 thl argeste coNoMy opportunitiesforbusinessestheHarborModernizationProgram,which40 to support roll-on/roll-off cargo operations.Californias top export sec- andtradersintheworldsdevelopedcapitalimprove- h ub aNds Poketorsin2022werecomputerfourthlargesteconomymentprojectstomeetthe and electronic products whichCaliforniatolocatenearneedsoftheshippingindus- In an exclusive interview accountedfor22.4%ofwhatsupplychainvenuessuchtry in partnership with HDOT,withAJOT,DreanaKalili, the state sold beyond its bor- as the states 12 ports alone,theHawaiiStateLegislature,deputy director for Harbors at the ders,saidTreylandBradley,particularly the medium andandtheHawaiiHarborUsersHawaii Department of Transpor-deputydirectorofsustainablesmaller ports, he points out. Group (HHUG). KCT Phase 1tation(HDOT)explainedthat freight and supply chain for itsForexample,Bradleywas completed on schedule at aHawaiiscommercialharbor GO Biz unit.Ranking secondcitedtheinlanddeepwatercost of $174 million. system operates as a hub-and-wasnon-electricalmachin- PortofStockton,asaship- TwoU.S.flagcarriers,spokesystemwithHonolulu ery(11.7%)thenchemicalspinglinktothePacificforMatson and Pasha are the mainHarbor on the island of Oahu (9.5%),transportationequip- growingtonnagesofsodaocean carrier service providers(where68%ofHawaiis1.4 ment(9.0%),miscellaneousash, and Port Huenemes ro/ to Hawaii and run the principalmillionresidentslive)asthe manufacturedgoods(7.6%),rocapabilitiesforitsstrongcontainership operations. Dreana Kalili, HDOT hubandprimaryentrypoint and agricultural products (7.5%). throughput for vehicles. Cali- ThePhase1improvementsdedicatedafor incoming cargo. Morespecifically,Brad- forniasinvestingheavilyin65.9-acrecontaineryard,supportbuildings,FromHonolulu,cargoisdistributedto leycontinued,Californiassupplychaininfrastructure.entry and exit gates, security fencing, parking,fiveotherislandsservedbysevencommer-topexportsin2022wereOneofourmostexcitinggantrycranesandcontainerhandlingequip- cial harbor facilities on those islands. The two semiconductorsandotherinland projects is the Class Iment, on-site utilities, outdoor energy-efficientharbors located on Oahu generate 81% of the electronic components (6.0%),(SUNNYcontinued onlighting, a truck weigh station, and other ancil- operating revenue. industrial machinery (5.8%),page 30) lary features.(PREPAREcontinued on page 31)'