b'Reasonable Care and Proper Claims ProceduresProjectcargomovesarebytheirnaturehighly complex operations with multiple stages. The trans-portationintermediaryneedstoaligntheright professionals at each stage of transport to ensure thatallplansareadheredto.Thisincludes having surveyors at loading, destination, and trans-shipment points for high value cargo to ensure proper handling in accordance withengineeringspecificationsand securementrequirements.Depend-ingonthemodeoftransport,this maybeanocean,barge,railor trucksurveyorwhohasexpertise indifferentsecurementmethods and can interpret engineering and technicaldocuments.Ifplans are not followed or surveys are notproperlyenactedanddoc-umented,insurancecoverage could be compromised.In the event a loss occurs, it is important for the transporta-tionintermediarytounderstand how to properly handle the claim. The first notification should be to thetracts and evaluate contractors against insurance company, referred to as the insurer. The insurer willeachprojectsrequirements.Incollab-assess and ensure that the claim can be handled, and a claimsoration with your legal counsel and insurance broker, determine agent will send an adjustor or surveyor as needed. The transpor- what contractual risks are acceptable for you to assume or see if tation intermediary must also mitigate the loss to the best of theirthere are risk transfer methods that can be utilized to protect your ability. This means removing the damaged cargo from storage orcompany. Appoint experienced surveyors to ensure that transpor-transloading it off the transport or other equipment if needed untiltation and loading plans are followed exactly. In the event a claim it can be inspected and a loss or salvage determination made. Theoccurs, be certain your personnel know who to contact and how transportationintermediaryslossmitigationresponsibilitymayto handle the situation. Work with an insurance broker with strong also involve obtaining additional storage or equipment or other- experienceinthelogisticsandtransportationindustrytosure wise protecting the cargo. your risk is placed in with an insurance provider who understands Project Cargo Risk Management Considerations project cargo, not only from a coverage standpoint, but from an operation standpoint as well. Having a skilled advocate goes a Therearemanyfactorstoconsiderwhendevelopinglong way towards reducing insurance costs and ensuring you are ariskmanagementplanforprojectcargo.Analyzecon- covered when disaster strikes.About the Author: Andrew Johnson is an account executive in the RoanokeHouston office with over 14 years logistics industry experience. He previouslyworked in the freight forwarding industry as a risk manager in charge of carrier vetting and project supervisor. His resume also includes operations, insurance, contracts, and claims expertise. Andrew began his career with a class-one railroad handling freight claims and emergency response, derailments,, cargo salvage and was responsible for customer care in loading railcars.About Roanoke: Roanoke Insurance Group Inc., a Munich Re company, is a specialty insurance broker focused on surety bond and insurance solutions for logistics service providers, customs brokers and companies managing supply chains. Founded in 1935, Roanoke was the first provider of customs import bonds as well as the first appointed ATA Carnet provider in the United States. Roanoke has decades of partnership with the trade community as a trusted provider of insurance, surety bonds, ATA Carnet products and specialty services.Disclaimer: This information is provided as a public service and for discussion of the subject in general. It is not to be construed as legal advice.Readers are urged to seek professional or legal guidance from appropriate parties on all matters mentioned herein. Back to Contents THE UNCONTAINED 15'