b'So,forTexas,thatwaskindofaservice are key assets for Corpus.Other Project Cargobummer, Torres admits. But thats not toWind blade shipping is no small feat. TheWithCorpusChristispublicdocks, say we dont expect to see those sites orlargestwindbladeshandledbytheportthere are pipe steel projects and steel coil. other sites reopen for sale in coming years.wereastaggering242feetlong.ThatsPlywood imports are a recent new import In the interim, Corpus Christi will stay pre- beenareallybigfactorongettingmorebusiness.pared. The port has available land to servebusiness coming to our port. Were largely focused on the military. So, asamarshallingsiteforlargeoffshoreThis business, I would say is definitelyyear-roundwevegotthemilitarycoming wind farms when the time is right. steady. We expect it to grow with the Infla- to our port whether it be a deployment or a Onshore Wind Farms Still Thriving tion Reduction Act, which will encourageredeployment. Weve even seen the British inland wind farms. Right now, what we sus- militarycometoourport.Andthereare CorpusChristisonshorewindfarmpect is that a lot of the wind componentssome other cargo commodities that come component business thrived before recentthat are coming in are from projects thatin that are not specified because they are developments, and it will continue to do so. were delayed in the supply demand chain.going to be project specific.This does not affect our onshore windAnd so thats keeping the business. The Port of Corpus Christi targets staying business, Torres says. To prepare for growth in the next one torelevant to the cardinal commodities thatAmong U.S. seaports, the Port of Corpustwo years, We continue to look at our infra- are coming through. And like I said earlier, Christis Authority (PCCA) ranks in the topstructure across the board. Infrastructurewe want to continue to improve our infra-three, if not number one, in the nation, forimprovementsmayinvolvebuyingmorestructure. So, if any said customer comes handling wind power cargo.land, building storages, or heavy-haul roadsin with a unique - maybe even perishable PCCAs main wind cargo is wind turbineaccessing highways. item - we are open to discussion on how we bladesandhubs/nacelles. Thesearepri- Wewanttobepreparedwhenthosecould potentially provide space for some-marily imported from Spain and India, butlargeroffshorewindcomponentsarething like that.occasionallyfromBrazil,Argentina,andmaking their way to our area, while assur-China. These components are shipped bying the port grows with oncoming onshore rail or truck throughout the continental U.S.wind farm construction.and into Canada. BNSF and Union Pacific Back to Contents THE UNCONTAINED 29'