b'THE GREAT LAKES ST. LAWRENCE SEAWAY SYSTEMAN ENGINE OF ENVIRONMENTAL STEWARDSHIP AND SUPPLY CHAIN RESILIENCYThe Seaway System is committed to reducing emissions and investing in infrastructure to provide more options for North American shippers.by Peter Buxbaum, AJOTJune 2023 | Published in AJOT Issue #754The Great Lakes St. Lawrence Seaway System opened its 65thSupply Chain Resiliency navigation season on March 23. The binational waterway is a keyCargo numbers for the Seaways 2022 navigation season, which link in the North American supply chain, connecting ports on thestretched from March 22, 2022, to January 9, 2023, were mixed. United States and Canadian Great Lakes with ports the world over.(See box on next column)Cargo movements on the Seaway total 35 million metric tons, sup- The system also contributes to North American environmental port 237,000 jobs, and account for $35 billion in economic activitystewardship and supply chain resiliency. New technologies, an in the U.S. and Canada annually. exceptional reliability record, and significant investments in infra-The Seaway is, first and foremost, a conduit for cargo. With itsstructure are enhancing efficiencies and keeping the Seaway safe advanced technology, the Seaway provides a reliable transporta- andcompetitive,saidAdamTindall-Schlicht,administratorof tion route for ships transiting the system carrying a wide range ofGreat Lakes St. Lawrence Seaway Development Corporation (GLS), commodities, said Terence Bowles, president and CEO of the St.the U.S. counterpart to SLSMC.Lawrence Seaway Management Corporation (SLSMC), the Cana- On the environmental front, the SLSMC and GLS are part of a joint dian agency that helps administer the system. A few examplesundertaking by the Canadian and U.S. governments to establish a are grains for breads and pasta, iron ore and coal for steel used ingreen shipping corridor. A prime example of our commitment to vehicles and appliances, and cement for bridges and roads. environmental goals can be seen through the SLSMCs long track 32'