b'CANADAS ATLANTIC REGION TARGETS OFFSHORE WIND MARKETSBoskalis heavy load carrier Target recently delivered four giant monopiles to Newfoundlands Port of Argentia.Photo courtesy of Port of Argentiaby Leo Ryan, AJOT September 2023 | Published in AJOT Issue #757On Canadas Atlantic Coast, recent initia- North Americas First I think we spent like six months taking tives at several ports in combination withMonopile Marshalling Yard inventoryofallthelocationsinCanada international partners are responding to theItsNorthAmericasfirstmonopilewhere we could come to, and we looked at fast-growing global expansion of offshoremarshalling yard, Ray Greene, manager ofNova Scotia and we looked at Newfound-wind energy projects to meet both domesticbusinessdevelopmentandmarketingatland. We went exotic, further up north.and international demand. A major target ofthe Port of Argentia, proudly commented toAt the end of the day, it came down to a existing and planned monopile marshallingthe American Journal of Transportation. couple of important aspects. Accessibility, facilities is the support of offshore develop- While he preferred not to specify the pre- the support we were getting from the com-ments on the northeast coast of the Unitedcise final destination, he indicated the unitsmunity. The support from the port itself.States. were for installation at offshore U.S. windPrior to the launch of the monopile tran-Latest concrete illustration has occurredfarms. sit route, the port continued to implement at the Port of Argentia in southeastern New- Greene also disclosed that the Port ofinvestmentupgradesofC$10millionon foundland, where in mid-August a shipmentArgentia has secured two significant con- infrastructure improvements bringing total of monopiles was delivered from Germanytracts to receive and store over 130 mono- quaysidelaydownareainexcessof12 on the Target heavy load vessel operatedpiles in support of U.S. energy transition. acres.byDutchcarrierBoskalis.ThemassiveFour monopiles were carried on the firstMoreover, this past July the ports ambi-offshore wind components each exceededvessel delivering the gigantic components.tious long-term development plan received 110metresinlengthandweighedoverUp to mid-September, there have been threean investment of up toC$38 millionunder 2,000 tons. vessel callswith a total of 12 monopiles. theNationalTradeCorridorsFundto Located on the Avalon Peninsula, the PortDuringlastsummersopeningoftheimprove cargo movement.ofArgentiahasembarkedinthisrobustmonopiletransitroute,portCEOScottTheblueprint includes the construction niche sector to capitalize on its strategicPenney recalled: This started in March ofofapproximately 460metres ofberthing proximity to U.S. offshore wind farms. 2021 and a lot of people thought that wespace for three new berths to accommo-Monthsofpreparationwentintothewere a little bit crazy that the Port of Argen- date larger vessels, a Roll-on / Roll-Off ramp vessels arrival at a port striving to positiontia and Placentia could pull off somethingtofacilitatethemovementofcontainers itselfasakeyplayerintheenergytran- like this. But I think weve put our flag on theand cargo, as well as increasing available sitionsupplychain.Afterdischarge,themap. And we are going to be a powerhousedockside space by approximately100,000 monopilesweretransferredtoabondedin the world energy transition. m2.Portofficialshopetomorethan storage marshalling yard on the former U.S.Onthesameoccasion,ArendVanDerquadrupletradevolumesmovingthrough navalairstationrunwaysintheArgentiaMarel, Boskalis project manager, explainedArgentia over a 30-year horizon.Northside Industrial Area by self-propelledwhy the Dutch shipping line chose the PortTheCooperCoveMarineTerminal modular transporters. of Argentia as a partner.expansion and infrastructure development 24'