b'The Captain Henry Jackman sails down the St. Lawrence Seaway.record in generating clean hydro-electric power, said Bowles. TheA long history of investments and reliability demonstrate that WellandCanaloperatesonself-sufficientenergy,resultinginathe Great Lakes are uniquely positioned to weather upheavals in substantial reduction in our carbon footprint. Our decarbonizationthe global supply chain, said Tindall-Schlicht. The Seaway System efforts include the gradual replacement of gasoline and diesel-pow- is a leading example of a worldwide economically-resilient and ered equipment with electric alternatives. environmentally-sustainable shipping corridor. The Welland Canal portion of the SLSMC has been producingSupply Chain Alternativesitsownhydroelectricpowersince1932.Hydroelectricpower transmitted from the canal powerhouse supplies electricity for theOne way the Seaway authorities work to enhance North American equivalent of 5,000 homes per year. The powerhouse, located atsupply chain resiliency is to provide shippers with new supply chain the base of Lock 4 of the canal, features a 22,000-volt distributionalternatives through real estate investments and economic devel-system that runs from Lake Erie to Lake Ontario, houses two fiveopment. According to an SLSMC document, the agency manages megawatt hydroelectric generators, and produces a maximum ofsubstantial land holdings and is always interested in exploring new six megawatts at any given time. It supplies power to eight bridges,business opportunities, including those that contribute to system 11 locks, navigation lights, and several buildings and structures. competitiveness, optimal utilization of real estate, diversification of Green and Canada Net Zero Emissionscargoes, and regional economic development. A notable project undertaken in 2022 was the wharf revitalization CanadasNet-ZeroEmissionsAccountabilityAct,enactedinin Port Colborne, which aims to increase the areas freight-handling 2021, mandates greenhouse gas reduction goals of 40% to 45%capacity by over one million tons, presenting significant growth below 2005 by 2030. The SLSMC has already surpassed thosepotential. In 2021, economic development projects included the targets, said Bowles, reaching 58% in 2022. He attributed thoseshipyard and cement works developments, as well as the Saint reductionstoincreasedenergyefficiencyinSLSMCbuildings,Catharine commercial hub, all in Ontario.replacement of fuel-powered equipment with electrical equipment,In the 2022/2023 fiscal year, the SLSMC invested $73.7 million in and increased fuel efficiency of corporate vehicles. infrastructure renewal and maintenance, with the goals of bolster-The Seaways reliability, which surpassed 99% in 2022, helpsing the supply chain and promoting long-term safety and economic reduce fuel consumption and lower emissions, said Bowles. Thegrowth. During the 2021-2022 fiscal year, the SLSMC spent $75.7 Seaway also supports efforts to develop new technologies suchmillion on infrastructure. as hands-free mooring, he added, which increases ship turn timesMajor projects executed in 2022/2023 year include a project at and improves productivity. The technology also reduces energyLock 8 of the Welland Canal, where a gate replacement project was consumption and emissions by over 90% during berthing thanks tobegun, and the replacement of a steel deck of an historic lift bridge the reduced use of tugs and ship engines.over the canal. As members of Green Marine, an environmental performanceIn the Montreal/Lake Ontario section, counterweight cables on measurement program for the maritime industry, the SLSMC andthe St-Louis de Gonzague vertical lift bridge near Salaberry-de-Val-GLS align their scores and provide results on an aggregated basis leyfield, Quebec, were replaced. New and improved air bubblers which reached 4.7 out of a maximum of 5 in 2022. and air curtains at the St.-Lambert lock were installed to enhance The SLSMC is currently developing a voyage information systemthe management of ice during winter operating conditions.(VIS), a collaborative data sharing environment that will connectDuring the last fiscal year, an investment by the SLSMC made maritime stakeholders, and will enable informed decision-making,bridge operations in the Beauharnois Canal more predictable and optimized lock schedules, and improved resource coordination,accurate to remedy ongoing issues over impacts of bridge oper-said Bowles. The VIS will create a virtual network for stakeholdersations and lifts on local commuters. Technology changes which to exchange vessel voyage and transit information and supportwere implemented make information on the bridge status more decision-making processes. Use of the VIS will improve scheduling,accurate, allowing for easier travel for motorists and recreational planning, and coordination of resources to reduce greenhouse gasboaters. The SLSMC plans to use this technology in other areas of emissions, according to Bowles. the Seaway.Back to Contents THE UNCONTAINED 33'