b'is a game changer and will seeArgentiathe East Coast, which will bring significantRoll-on/roll-offcargo,logistics,hydrogen, attractmajorforeigninvestmentwithemployment and economic development toand marine services. As the offshore wind project developments in renewable energy,the region. sector grows globally, there is a significant offshoresupportsandarangeofotherBlue Water Shipping has more than 70demand for sufficient marshalling facilities marine transportation operations, affirmsoffices worldwide. Its significant onshoreto support offshore developments on the CEO Scott Penney. and offshore wind projects include the windnortheast coast of the U.S. in the near term.Novaporte Greenfield Project farm Fosen Vind, which, as of 2021, wasThe announcement involving Blue Water the largest onshore wind turbine project inShippingisthelateststepinthemulti-Meanwhile, Novaporte, a transportation,Europe, with a total of 278 wind turbines. phased development of the port. logisticsandgreenenergydevelopmentAtBlueWaterShipping,webelieveWe will now work towards completing inCapeBreton,NovaScotia,concludedinstrongandlong-lastingrelationships,all the pre-development requirements, with aconcessionagreementlastMarchwithand thats exactly what were announcingthe goal of putting shovels in the ground DenmarksBlueWaterShipping,aglobaltoday with Novaporte, said Thomas Bek,this year, has stated Barbusci. Novaporte provider of all logistics services in modernCOO Energy, Ports & Projects, Blue Waterintends to continue our dialogue with the supply chain management. Both parties areShipping.Together,werelaunchingthecommunityastheprojectdevelops,with working together, along with equity partnerfirst major offshore wind port developmentthe target completion date of phase 1 for Membertou First Nation, to develop a majorin Canada, and were happy to do it with a2026.marshalling hub in Sydney for offshore windlocal and highly dedicated team. NovaporteForafewyears,Barbuscihadbeen energy servicing the Northeast Atlantic U.S.and Blue Water Shipping will offer strongpushinghardtocreateabigcontainer and Eastern Canada. and flexible solutions, together, to meet theterminal in Sydney harbour (with presentlyWe wanted to partner with Blue Waterincreasing demands of the industry in theno working railway connection) that some ShippingbecausetheyareoneoftheNortheast Atlantic U.S. market and we willindustry critics have found difficult to jus-largest port operators in the offshore windbe ready to support Nova Scotias offshoretify in light of an already well-established energy space, said Novaporte CEO, Albertwind sector in the years ahead. containerportinHalifaxtodayhandling Barbusci. We aspire to be like the DanishIn this regard, the Province of Nova Scotiathe new generation of large containerships city of Esbjerg, where offshore wind started,recently announced an ambitious offshorecalling on the east coast. Financial details and is a true leader in this space globally. wind and hydrogen strategy, with the initialhave lacked clarity in what has been touted Ifyouaregoingtopartnerandlearn,target to build and produce 5 gigawatts ofasabillion-dollarproject.However,the youshoulddoitwiththebest!Welookoffshore energy by 2030. container terminal project appears to have forward to working closely with Blue WaterWhencompleted,theNovaportemulti- been shelved until further noticewith Bar-Shipping in the months and years to comeuseportfacilityplanstoaccommodatebusci now embracing what he has called on building out their proven model here onoffshore wind marshalling, containers, bulk,this green opportunity.North Americas first marshalling yard for massive wind energy components destined for U.S. offshore developments.Back to Contents THE UNCONTAINED 25'