b'Envivas wood pellet plant at the Port of Pascagoula.be exported to Europe and Asia, he said,tons, Sampson by 100,000, and Cottondaleare transported to the Bruce Oakley termi-andwillhelptofilldemandforsecureby 30,000 tons. In addition, an expansion innal in Little Rock, Arkansas, before being sources of renewable energy to de-fossil- Lucedale, Mississippi, is expected to addshipped south to Louisiana for loading on ize power and heat generation. Meth alsocapacity of 250,000 tons. oceangoingvessels,accordingtoMatt expects Envivas pellets produced in EpesEnvivaalsohasplanstoexpanditsWhite, a Drax executive vice president. The to be used in the steel, cement, lime, andcapacityatAhoskie,N.C.,from436,000pellets are used at Draxs power station in aviationfuelsindustries.Thecompanytons to 571,000 metric tons per year. TheSelby, North Yorkshire, which supplies five estimates it will invest $300 million in thecompanyhasappliedto,amongotherpercent of Englands electricity needs. plant and surrounding infrastructure. things, reconfigure the wood yard, add ham- Draxs conversion of its UK power station AtEnvivasplantinBond,Mississippi,mermills for sawdust production, increaseto biomass from coal represented Europes also located in the vicinity of Pascagoula,drying capacity, add two new pellet mills,largestdecarbonizationproject,said construction began earlier this year, and,and add gas-fire boiler capacity to provideWhite,reducingemissionsfromDraxs accordingtoMeth,theplantsoutputisthe steam for the pelletizing process. power generation by 90% since 2012.fully contracted with customers around theDrax,apowergenerationcompanyDrax plans to double its pellet production world. With an investment of $250 million,based in the United Kingdom, and whichcapacitytoeight-milliontonsgloballyby the plant will be built out to a capacity ofowns 14 operational pellet mills in the U.S.2030tomeetitsownrequirements,and one-million metric tons per year, with pro- South and Western Canada, is expandingthose of its customers in Europe and Asia. duction expected to begin in 2024.its plant in Russellville, Arkansas, to addDrax also plans to deploy a new negative Envivahasamulti-plantexpansion40,000tonsofcapacity.Thecompanyemissions technology to eliminate carbon project ongoing, which is expected to bebrought online a 360,000-ton pellet plantfromthepelletproductionprocess.The completed by the end of this year. A $50in Demopolis, Alabama, and a 40,000-tontechnology,knownasbioenergywith million investment is being made to revampsatellite plant in Leola, Arkansas, in 2022,carbon capture and storage (BECCS), will, manufacturingprocessesandincreaseand, in December 2022, announced a $50according to White, permanently remove productioncapacityinplantslocatedinmillion expansion to its facility in Aliceville,millions of tons of carbon dioxide from the Hamlet and Sampson, North Carolina, andAlabama, to boost to its wood pellet pro- atmosphere.in Cottondale, Florida. The Hamlet plant willduction capacity by 50%. expand its production capacity by 55,000The pellets produced by the Drax plants Back to Contents THE UNCONTAINED 41'