b'10American Journal ofTransportation ajot.com(DIVERSEcontinued from page 8) remain steady.Port St. Joe have included pre-deliv- Port Panama City recently com-ery efforts by Eastern Shipbuilding topleted a 20,000-ton-capacity storage finish work on three new Staten Islanddometosupportgrowthinexports Ferry boats built by the company aboutof wood pellets and is on schedule to 40 miles away in Panama City. finish its next phase of container ter-Thelastsignificantcargoship- minal expansion in 2025, as port offi-ment from the Port of Port St. Joe wascials look to enhance capabilities for in2021,whenaloadofwoodchipsserving markets of Northwest Florida, was dispatched to Honduras. as well as Georgia, Alabama, Tennes-see and the Carolinas.P ortP AnAmAc ity In late 2023, the Port of Panama SituatednearthecenteroftheCity was awarded an $11.25 million Florida Panhandle, Port Panama CityU.S.DepartmentofTransportation isenjoyingrecordcargoactivity,Port Infrastructure Development Pro-driven by rising levels of exports ofgram competitive grant toward con-biomass wood pellets and forest prod- structionofa200,000-square-foot, ucts and such key imports as lumberon-dock warehouse at the ports East and steel, while the ports containerTerminal.Thatfacilityistojoina tradevolumestoandfromMexico260,000-square-foot warehouse alreadyVessels of GE Wind Energy and Martin Marietta Materials are indicative of diverse activity occurring at the Port of Pensacola.in place at the terminal, the initial $66andmarinemaintenancefacilities million phase of which began opera- and is set to soon welcome a signifi-tionsin2020.Also,thepermittingcant new developmenta $15 mil-processisproceedingforbulkheadlion Maritime Center of Excellence, and turning basin extension work atadvancingthankstoapairofstate the East Terminal. grants and $8.5 million from Triumph Gulf Coast, a fund related to recovery P ort ofP enSAcolA from the Deepwater Horizon oil spill Located at the northwest tip of thethat took place in 2010.Florida Panhandle, the Port of Pensac- TheMaritimeCenterofExcel-ola, owned by the City of Pensacola,lence is scheduled for completion by is broadening its already very-variedyears end, when the New York Yacht range of activities while also boostingClub American Magic sailing team is its cargo volumes, focusing primarilyslated to return from competing in the onsuchcrucialcommoditiesasGE37th Americas Cup, to be held from Wind Energy components, aggregateAugustthroughOctoberoffBarce-materials and bulk cement. lona, Spain. The center is to occupy a Beyond cargo activities, the Portnew 64,000-square-foot facility that is Lumber is unloaded from a vessel at Port Panama Citys East Terminal, which is undergoingofPensacolaishometoanoysterbeing designed to transform the ports expansion to accommodate increasing activity. hatchery and multiple vessel-buildingWarehouse No. 10.EXPANDING CAPACITY TOFLORIDAS DISTRIBUTUION HUBTampa/Orlando I-4 Corridor: Over 550 million square feetExpanded terminal capacity with plenty of room for growthof distribution center space Multiple round-trip truck deliveries per day from Port to E-commerce, consumer goods, perishables distribution centersand building materials New and expanded container services with Central The fastest growing region in the fastest growing state America, Mexico and AsiaWWW.PORTTB.COM'