b'16American Journal ofTransportation ajot.com(LINKScontinued from page 4)Leadingcommoditiesat the Port of Pascagoula include lumber,woodpelletsand renewable fuels. Enviva Hold-ings LPs wood pellet export terminal is in its third year of operationinBayouCasotte Harbor,whileOleo-Xhas acquired the former Chemours FirstChemicalplant,shut-tered in 2020, and launched a renewable diesel and sustain-ableaviationfuelfeedstock merchantpretreatmentfacil-ity, served by CSX rail.m iSSiSSiPPiS tAteP ortA uthorityAbout45mileswestof Pascagoula,theMississippi State Port Authoritys Port of Gulfport has finally officially been completely restored fol-lowing destruction caused by Hurricane Katrina in 2005. A new strategic master plan has the port focusing on growthThe Mississippi State Port Authoritys Port of Gulfport has finally completed restoration after devastation wrought in 2005 by Hurricane Katrina.andattractionofnewbusi-nessatthefullyrenovated port,withavisionofbeingEXPERT LOGISTICS the preferred Gulf of Mexico gateway to the U.S. Midwest.ThePortofGulfportisON DEMANDengagedwiththeU.S.Army Corps of Engineers on a feasi-bility study for channel deepen-ing and widening, while PortsANYWHERE. ANYTIME. ON TIME. America is investing $43 mil-lion in Terminal Four develop-ment, with new equipment to include a fourth gantry. Intermodal-orientedrail improvementshavebeenmade at the East Pier, with a memo-randum of understanding signed withCanadianNationalRail-wayforestablishingnonstop express service from Gulfport to Chicago. Also, a long-term lease agreement has been inked withCOREXPartnersfora cold storage facility in Gulfport. Ontheblueeconomyfront, underwaterexplorationleader Ocean Aero Inc.s headquarters and the Roger F. Wicker Center forOceanEnterprisehave opened at the port.(PROJECTScontinued from page 14)City Ltd. to develop a trans-loading hub to expedite such shipments. And Mexico-based ForzaSteelisconstructinga 650,000-square-footmanufac-turing facility at the port. Steel shipments help the ports For-eign-Trade Zone No. 62 hold the second spot in export activ-ity among U.S. FTZs, trailing only Dorchester County, South Carolinas FTZ No. 21.Houston-basedNextDe-cadeCorp.ismovingahead withthe$18.4billionfirst phase of its Rio Grande LNG liquefiednaturalgasexport facility while sharing in costs to deepen Brownsvilles harbor channel to 52 feet from 42 feet.Meanwhile, the port looksCONTACT USto complete a 118-acre indus-trialparkbylatesummer,1000 Foust Road Brownsville, TX 78521+1 (956) 831-4592withfirsttenantWestaInc.www.portofbrownsville.cominvesting$20millionina leading-edge wheat flour mill and storage silos.'