b'28American Journal ofTransportation ajot.com(SPIKEScontinued from page 23) andsteadyincreaseofdemandand(FORGEcontinued from page 24) stop the machines and avoid incident.to downtrend with a 1% decline. Theutilizationunfortunate for everyone. But the waterIn his view, there are tremendous report added, this projection suggestsWhile the demand is significantlylevels are coming back up, which shouldopportunities at multi-purpose termi-thatby2025Chinassteeldemandlower than the COVID spike of 2021- help eliminate that in the future. nals to deploy technologies.willbesignificantlylowerthanthe2023 that saw the TMI breach $23,500Hecontinued,AnotherseriousHe noted in this regard the new recent peak demand year, 2020. Thismark,itisawelcomedreboundtoissue has been the problem of pirates.mega-terminal technologies and new projection is also in line with our viewback over $12,000 for April. One of the solutions thats been put inequipmentattheTermontcontainer thatChinamighthavereacheditsToepher isnt alone in their viewplace is more patrol support for com- terminal in the Port of Montreal.peak steel demand, and the countrysof the market. Drewrys in their Aprilmercialvessels.WeallknowthatOn the intermodal front, he empha-steel demand is likely to continue toMultipurposeShippingForecaster,pirates are an ongoing security issue,sizedtheimportanceoftheMontreal decline in the medium-termconcurred,notingthedemandforso to have more support for the vesselsgateway.There remains a lot of poten-Besidesaspikeinsteelrelatedproject carriers has been strong due tois definitely a plus for shippers. tial to unlock and increase capacity and movementstherehasbeenacorre- the number and scale of industrial andvelocity of traffic through the corridor.sponding increase in breakbulk vesselenergy projects, especially in the oil &Pierce described the core breakbulk demand.ToepferTransportsMulti- gas and wind energy sectors. Hence,(UNVEILScontinued from page 26) sector as a solid business line and area purposeShippingReportspringtimea drop in passings and an increase inservice companies. We have alreadyof future growth for Logistec.editionwroteoftheTimeChartervoyage length by going South aroundtakenmajorstepstobetterpromoteThrough its handling of such bulk Market, As expected, the TMI (Toep- AmericaandAfricahaveaddedtoanddelivertheseindustry-leadingproductsasironore,heunderlined fersMultipurposeIndex)reachedtonnemiledemand.Thisadditionalsolutions globally and it is quite amaz- Logistecs partnership with industry and a plateau in January/February and isdemandandutilizationhavemani- ing how advanced these technologiestraders to ensure that product is where now again heading upwards. This isfestedinhighertimecharterrates,arewith many developed right hereit needs to be and in volumes needed to partially the result of the trade disrup- althoughincreaseshavebeenslightin the Montreal area. keep the factory turning out product.tions in the Red Sea, respectively theso far. In his introductory remarks, Pierce Suez Canal but also related to a slowAt the same time, stronger vessele xPloring oPPortunitieS in briefly gave a personal perspective on m exico Andl AtinA mericA how his new career environment dif-Inaninterview,Mr.Piercedis- fers from previous responsibilities.closed that as part of current strategyHisprofessionalexperience,for Logistec was notably exploring oppor- instance,includedvariousmanage-tunities in Mexico and Latin Americament positions at the big TraPac Lim-that tie in with our portfolio. ited container terminal at the Port of Mr.PiercecoveredavarietyofLos Angeles. The ride for pilots was subjectsrelatedtoLogistecservices,very short and maneuvers for the 20K including one-stop shopping that willTEU vessels extremely limited.be enhanced and the newly launchedPiercesuggestedthattheSt. 2024CustomerOutreachProgramLawrenceSeawayandtheweather aimed at freeing up additional capacity,does make things far more interest-volume, and value for both Logistecing. Here, its like my time in Turkey and its customers. where you have the Bosphorous con-NewtechnologiesarebeingnectingtheBlackandMarmaraSea deployed, he said, to identify person- and have complexity, high traffic, and nel and equipment in operations wherealways looking for ways to maximize proximity, much like in cars today, willthe size of ships and loads.Liberty Global Logistics LLCA Leading Ocean Shipping & Logistics Company516-488-8800 LibertyGL.com1979 Marcus Ave # 200, Lake Success, NY 11042'