b'26American Journal ofTransportation ajot.comNew Logistec CEO Sean Pierce unveils ambitious expansion roadmap HWYH2O.COMLeo Ryan, AJOTLogistecCorporation,oneofthebroadening Logistecs footprint within crownjewelsofCanadasmarineand beyond existing markets in Canada industry, has embarked on a new chap- and the United States.ter in its 70-year history following itsAfter,first,payingtributeto acquisitioninJanuarybyNY-basedLogistecslongstandingcontribu-Blue Wolf Capital Partners for approx- tion to the Great Lakes/St. Lawrence imately C$1.2 billion. And it was as aSeawaySystem,hedeclared:A featuredspeakeratmajor part of our go-theannualconfer- forward strategy is to ence in Montreal lastcontinuetoexpand week of the Shippingourfootprintinthis Federation of Canadaentireregionandto that Sean Pierce, thealsoofferupnew, marine industry vet- innovativesolutions eranappointednewandservicestofur-CEOoutlinedanthergrowuponthe ambitiousroadmap50M tonnes of cargo forthemarineandhandledacrossthe environmentalser- portfolio, he said. S H I P A N D S A V E W I T H O U Rvices company. Through3,900G A T E W A Y I N C E N T I V EPiercehassuc- Sean Pierce employees in 90 ter- P R O G R A M .ceeded Madeleine Paquin, the presi- minals in 60 ports, Pierce indicated:T H E R E H A S N E V E R B E E N Adent and CEO between 1996 and 2023.Withincreasedfrequency,wewillB E T T E R T I M E T O S T A R THer impressive track record was high- offer our enterprise customers multi- S H I P P I N G O N T H E G R E A Tlightedbysteadygrowth,constantportserviceofferingsthatleverageL A K E S W I T H H W Y H Oprofits,andanastutediversificationboth our scale and to also expand into2into environmental services. Consoli- new regions.dated revenues for fiscal 2023, not yetWhile recalling that Logistec is a publicly released, are expected to topfoundingmemberandbigsupporter C$1 billion for the first time. Logistecof the Green Marine certification pro-wasafamily-controlledentitysincegram for the North American maritime its creation in 1952 by Quebec entre- industry,Piercestressed:ButourVISIT OUR BOOTH AT BREAKBULK EUROPEpreneur Roger Paquin. commitment to the environment goesSTAND 1H11Before a large audience of mari- well beyond most, with our ALTRA time industry executives, Pierce evokedportfolio of environmental and water1-905-641-0309 | [email protected] scenario of potentially significantly(UNVEILScontinued on page 28)EUROPE - GREAT LAKES SERVICELiner servicebetween Europeand the Great LakesContainer service between Antwerp and Valleyfield, Cleveland and Duluth CONTAINERS Liner owned equipment door-to-door serviceBULK CARGOMore info:www.spliethoff.com or [email protected] CARGO'