b'34American Journal ofTransportation ajot.com(SWELLINGcontinued from page 22)Theport,whichspans 4,000acresinCaddoand Bossierparishesandoffers barge and onsite rail services, enhanced its transloading capa-bilities with late 2023 comple-tionofa$4.5millionproject that included three hardstands, whiletwoadditionalendeav-orsaugurtofurnishfurther improvements.A$9.5mil-lion project, expected to wrap up by yearend, is to deliver a 40,000-square-footheavy-load warehouse for efficiently han-dling oversize and overweight cargos.Anda$35million waterlineisbeingbuiltfrom BossierCitytoservenewly acquired port property.In the design phase, with aneyetowardcompletion within six years, is develop-ment of a roadway to directly connecttheportwithInter-state 49 and also ease access to I-20 for commercial traffic. (TRENDScontinued from page 32)shippers with recommendations thatarecontextualizedwithin the broader market, yet specific to their own supply chain; and Fourkites Fin AI helps users quicklyidentifyandmitigate the impacts of disruptions, like those in the Red Sea. Inaddition,project44s Movement GPT enables users to discover supply chain risks by conversationally interacting withtheplatform.Forexam-ple,ausercouldask,Show all my shipments impacted by weatherinnorthernEurope, then follow up with questions such as, What is the value of theinventoryofthoseship-ments? Do I have more reliable routingoptionsformynext shipment?APi i ntegrAtionThesupplychaintech ecosystemisfragmentedby disparatetechnologiesand datastandards,complicating interactions between shippers, carriers and other stakeholders that can lead to inefficiencies inscheduling,discrepancies indataexchange,andulti-matelyhigheroperational costs, explains Himanshu Meh-rotra, FourKites VP of Product Management. FourKites has joined Uber Freight, Blue Yonder and others in the Scheduling Standards Consortium (SSC) to stream-linesystemintegrationsand foster a more efficient appoint-ment scheduling process. The consortium endorses a univer-salapplicationprogramming interface(API),enablingcar-riers to interact through a stan-dardized API.Themovetowardstan-dardizedtechnologiesand dataprotocolsisnotjusta matterofconveniencebuta strategicimperative,Meh-rotra concludes. It promises toenhanceinteroperability, reduce redundancies, and pave the way for innovations.'