b'MAY 2024GULF COAST PORTS 21(SWELLINGcontinuedundertakingtoimprovethe from page 20) sinkingLA1highwaylink storagefacilities.Afutureby elevating lengthy portions phase calls for Port Manchacoftheroadway.Inaddition, to serve as base of operationsa$1.5millionfederalgrant forAllentown,Pennsylva- is facilitating construction of nia-based Air Products con- anewterminalbuildingat structionofa30-mile-longSouth Lafourches Leonard J. pipeline for transport of liq- Miller Jr. Airport.uefied product materials. P ort ofm orgAnc ityThe Air Products opera-tionsshouldbenefitfromA rendering shows what the Port of Morgan City should look like upon summer 2026 completionAttheconfluenceofthe $3.5millioninrecentPortof dock expansion projects. AtchafalayaRiverandGulf Manchac infrastructure invest- NationalRailwaymainline,Mississippi River. the leading support center forIntracoastalWaterway,the ments, including harbor dredg- include construction of addi- moretraditionaloilandgasPortofMorganCityis ingandimprovementstotionalrailcarstoragespaceP ortf ourchon energy activities in the Gulfbenefitingfromthedirect bulkheadsandfloodwalls,and laydown storage areas, asTheGreaterLafourcheof Mexico. waterway link to the Gulf of laydown storage areas, inter- well as more channel dredg- Port Commissions Port Four- PortFourchonleadershipMexico offered by a 20-foot-nalroadwaysanddrainage,ing, to facilitate safe and effi- chonLouisianassouthern- isalsolookingforwardtodeep,400-foot-widefeder-truckscalefacilitiesandcient barge transshipments ofmostportistobecometargeted2026completionally authorized channel, now 6,000 feet of rail tracks. bulk, breakbulk, liquid bulk,homeinthesecondhalfofofthe$463millionLouisi- beingmaintainedthrough Future plans at Port Man- neobulkandcontainerized2024tothefirstwindtur- anaDepartmentofTrans- (SWELLINGcontinued on chacs140-acreintermodalcargosfromNewOrleansbineinoperationintheportationandDevelopmentpage 22)terminal, along the Canadianand other locations along thePelicanState,accordingto port officials. Under a lease agreementwithGulfWind Technology,the187-foot-tall unit is to be erected at the PortFourchonCoastalWet-landParkandusedindata collection while serving as a platform for workforce train-ing and potentially powering the port commissions emer-gency operations center.PortFourchonofficials arestokedaboutopportuni-ties for the port to become a significanthubforoffshore Liquid bulk storage and transloading operations are part of newly initiatedwind operations, supplement- A wind turbine, now journeying across the Atlantic Ocean, is to soon be activities at Port Manchacs intermodal terminal along Lake Pontchartrain. ingitslongtimepositionaserected at Port Fourchon, Louisianas southernmost port.'