b'6American Journal ofTransportation ajot.com1. Built by McCarthy Building Com- upgrades of existing track and instal-panies Inc., the modernized terminallation of 12 new switches. And Russell adds 1,140 linear feet of berthing at aMarine LLC is looking to finish a $25 facility primarily used for movementmillion grain dock by late 2024.of U.S. military cargos.A$35millionliquidbulkdock,P orth ouStonbuiltbyBo-MacContractorsLtd.,WithMarchawardtoCallan was added last year in Orange CountyMarineLtd.ofthefinalProject11 byprivatepartnerJeffersonEnergydredgecontract,the$1.1billion Companies LLC, offering capabilitiesundertakingtodeepentheHouston forberthingSuezmaxtankerstrans- Ship Channel to 46.5 feet, as well as portingcrudeandrefinedproducts,widen the nations busiest waterway Also, $12.3 million construction of ain terms of cargo tonnage transiting, new rail interchange track is nearingcontinuestopresstowardtargeted completionbyTrans-GlobalSolu- completion by the end of 2025.tions Inc., boding to double the Port ofRecentdeliverytoPortHous-Beaumonts interchange capacity withtonsBayportContainerTerminalof The newly completed Main Street Terminal 1 dock reconstruction offers an enhanced Port ofaddition of 10,700 feet of new track,(PROJECTScontinued on page 12)Beaumont facility for moving military cargos.(PROJECTScontinued from page 4) Meanwhile, liquefied natural gas millionproject,supportedbyU.S.exporterSempraInfrastructureand DepartmentofTransportationgrantengineering firm Bechtel are moving funding, is constructing an open berthaheadwithconstructionofthefirst designed to meet current and pendingphase of the $13 billion Port Arthur export and import needs while reduc- LNGexportfacility,withaneye ing congestion. The new, 1,000-foot- toward commencing initial commer-longgeneralpurposewharfdeckiscial operations of the first liquefaction beingaugmentedbyon-dockrailtrain in 2027.loading facilities and other improve-ments,includinga5-acrelaydownP ort ofb eAumontyardforoutdoorholdingofsteel,AlittlefartheruptheSabine-aluminum,heavyequipmentandNeches Waterway in the Golden Tri-military and project cargos. BacklandangleofSoutheastTexas,about40 improvements are advancing as well. miles inland from the Gulf of Mexico, A year ago, the Port of Port Arthurthe Port of Beaumont is busy complet-completed a $42 million expansion ofing construction this year of more than its Berth 5 facilities, adding 600 linear$157 million of infrastructure projects.feet of dock space at that installation,The most ambitious undertaking, whileupcomingendeavorsincludecompleted in April, is an $85 millionGreat Lakes Dredge & Dock Co.s Carolina advances the Houston Ship Channel Expansion renovations to port terminal offices. reconstruction at Main Street TerminalProject(Photo credit: Port Houston).'