b'30LOGISTICS TECH PROVIDERSajot.com2024 logistics digital tech trendsBy Peter Goldin, AJOT regulatory compliance, security concerns, and envi- ity and help combat workforce shortages. To help ronmental sustainability, as well as unlock opportu- drive productivity gains for labor workers, the top Logisticstechnologyisanexpandingmarketnities for predictive analytics, adds Thomas Rucker,technology choices in the study were delivery route that is driving digital transformation and enablingPresident of Tideworks. optimization (54%) and driver mobile productivity optimization across the entire supply chain. A 2024Accordingtoa2024reportfromHere,US(45%)solutions.Forknowledgeworkers,thetop report from MHI and Deloitte found that 55% oftransportationandlogisticscompaniesareinvest- technology choice in the study was real-time ship-supply chain leaders surveyed are increasing teching in visibility via real-time tracking (58%), routement tracking (53%). investments, with 88% planning to spend over $1optimization (38%), inventory management (34%),Many functions in supply chain and logistics million, and 44% spending over $10 million. demand planning (32%) and communication withareroutineandnon-integrated,requiringmanual Process automation, operations digitization, andtrade partners (32%). intervention, and the results of the study underscore solutioninteroperabilityareinterconnectedtrendsthattechnologycanhelpcompaniesaddressthis indicative of the industrys drive to improve opera- through automation, says Chris Jones, EVP Indus-tional efficiency, reduce costs, and meet the growingtryatDescartes,addingthatfleetsstillbuilding demands of e-commerce and global supply chains,routes manually or using legacy planning tools can says Rene Alvarenga, Sr. Director of Product Man- see driver productivity increases in excess of 15% agement, Execution & Visibility at Kaleris.byreducingmilesperstopwithDescartesroute The vendors on AJOTs 2024 Top Fifty Logis- optimization solutions.tics Tech Providers list are leading several digital technology trends, including: A rtificAli ntelligenceArtificial intelligence (AI) represents a massive d AtA -d rivenv iSibility opportunity for logistics, an industry that is super Data-drivenanalyticssolutionsareessentialcomplex and data-intensive, according to Lior Ron, for industries like logistics that experience constantCEO at Uber Freight.movement and change. AI adoption and interest are at historic levels, SupplychaindisruptionsarearoundeveryPort of Oakland, Advent eModal, Mobile Programming and keywith 84% of supply chain leaders surveyed planning corner,warnsJoseBarahona,VPofSalesatstakeholders announce the launch of the Freight Intelligentto adopt AI technologies within the next five years, Magaya.BusinessesmustrespondquicklyandTransportation System (FITS) at the Port. according to the MHI/Deloitte report.effectively and that means converting timely globalAI is revolutionizing the logistics industry with logistics data into meaningful data-based analyses. P roceSSA utomAtion predictive analytics, turning shipping data into pow-In 2024, a paradigm shift is at play, movingThe supply chain continues to undergo signifi- erful insights, Brian Smith, CEO of Banyan Tech-the focus of logistics from bureaucracy to customer- cant transformation and become extremely complex,nology observes. AI enables businesses to forecast centricity,Barahonacontinues.Logisticsteamswhich is why many companies leverage automation,moreaccurately,optimizeroutesandstreamline are prioritizing the customer experience by givingsays Ryan Tierney, SVP of Product at TrueCommerce.freight management, paving the way for a more effi-customers greater self-service capabilities, unprec- Tools and solutions using automation are reshapingcient and resilient supply chain.edented visibility into their shipments, control overtraditionalsupplychainpracticesandempoweringForexample,BanyansTruckloadAIoffers delivery preferences, and instant access to informa- businesses to optimize operations, enhance efficiency,predictivespotratepricingbasedonaggregated tion with digitized solutions like the Magaya Digitalincrease visibility and drive innovation and competi- market data, transaction history and machine learn-Freight Portal. This shift marks a pivotal moment intiveness in the global marketplace. ing techniques.redefining logistics services, the start of a new eraFor example, TrueCommerce EDI helps logis-where providing visibility is as important as manag- tics companies automate order processing, acceler- g enerAtiveAiing the shipments themselves. ate fulfillment and improve inventory management. Generative AI(GenAI)atypeof AIthat Focusingondatautilizationandtheintegra- AccordingtoarecentDescartesstudy,54%processes data to produce human-like analysis and tion of emerging technologies will enable the logis- of supply chain and logistics leaders surveyed areresponsesis becoming a defining technology in ticsindustrytotackleissuessuchascongestion,looking to technology to automate non-value-added2024 for almost every industry including logistics.equipmentutilization,infrastructurelimitations,and repetitive tasks to improve worker productiv- (TRENDScontinued on page 32)ITS YOUR MOVE.www.tideworks.com +1.206.382.4470'