b'2American Journal ofTransportation ajot.comDiverse range of activities keepingGULF COAST PORTS 2024ports of Floridas Gulf Coast busyBy Paul Scott Abbott, AJOTFlorida Gulf Coast ports are bus- gressingnorthandthenwestward, tling with a wide range of commer- heres a roundup of the latest at Flor-cialactivities,extendingfarbeyondida seaports along the Gulf of Mexico:movesofcontainerizedcargoator nearrecordpace,toincludesuchS eA P ortm AnAteeliquid bulk goods as juices and fuels,The Manatee County Port Author-as well as bananas, wood pellets anditysSeaPortManatee,closestU.S. wind energy units. deepwaterseaporttothePanama Now the nations third-most-pop- Canal,continuestomovestrong ulous state, with 23 million residents,volumesofahighlydiverserange Floridaalsoreceives135millionofcargosthroughitsfacilitiesnear annual visitors, making the Sunshinetheentranceto TampaBay,whileaThe Port of Mobiles intermodal container transfer facility can efficiently effectuate cargo State one of the worlds most dynamicrecently adopted master plan updatedeliveries from ships to Chicago in three days.consumer markets. is helping guide future growth.BeginningwheretheGulfofTheflowofjuicesSeaPortAlabama, Mississippi deepwater ports MexicomeetsTampaBayandpro- (DIVERSEcontinued on page 8) bolstering channels, intermodal linksBy Paul Scott Abbott, AJOTPorts of Alabama and Mississippistate mid-Gulf region:arepursuingenhancedintermodal connectionsanddeeperchannelstoA lAbAmAS tAteP ortA uthorityease efficient movement of fast-grow- Withtheendeavortobringthe ing cargo volumes. Port of Mobiles lower harbor depth More than $1 billion in projectsto50feetfrom45feetadvanc-aremovingforwardinAlabama,ingtowardanticipatedmid-2025 while both of Mississippis deepwa- completion, the Alabama State Port ter ports are looking to new strategicAuthority is moving ahead with more master plans to steer decisions aimingthan$1billionincapitalprojects to bring in new business.statewide.Proceedingfromeasttowest,Theharborundertakingaimsto Cross-Gulf vessel services of SeaPort Manatee-based World Direct Shipping provide the fastestheres a summary of whats going ondeliver the deepest container terminal short-sea link between Mexico and U.S. Southeast markets. at the three major seaports of this two- (LINKScontinued on page 4)'