b'24American Journal ofTransportation ajot.com( FORGEcontinued from25-30 years with both short- page 23) and long-term improvements.compared to a year ago.Brendan Dugan, chief com- c Argoc oncernS Andmercial officer at SJPC, reported,c oStSOverall,breakbulkcargohasAmong the main concerns increased26%fromMarchaffecting ocean shippers is the 2023toMarch2024.Hecontinuedriseintariffsand added,Allcargotonnagetheinevitablepass-through throughMarch2024isof costs when doing business. 880,000T,whichisa10%As many commodity markets increaseoveryear-to-datelook to find innovative ways March 2023. to address tariffs and stay in Amongthebreakbulkandthe black, the demand for steel bulkcargoarrivingattheandsteel-relatedproductsis Camdenterminals,steelandallowingsomecompanies steel-related products accountto go beyond the black into for60-65%ofimports.Thefinancial fields of green.majorityoftheseproductsHowever,whenlooking suchassteelcoils,tinplateat some of the top concerns of coils, structural steel, pipe, andocean shipping, Dugan com-steel platesarrive in the U.S.mented,Tariffsarealways by way of a well-establishedgoing to be a major concern shipping route from Antwerp,Among the breakbulk and bulk cargo arriving at the Camden terminals, steel and steel-related products account forfor ocean shippingtheres Belgium, to Camden, N.J. 60-65% of imports. just no way around that. But DuganpointedoutthatAs such, resourcing of steelincreasedspacetoaccom- tional space, well be able towiththeincreaseinsteel other locations in Germany, theis now focused on new exportmodateproductstorage.increase velocity when bring- imports, tariffs dont seem to Netherlands,andFrancealsocountries such as Brazil andWith this in mind, the SJPCing in ships and get the cargobe as big of a cost concern, exportsteelandsteel-relatedAustralia, while imports fromisaddressingtheissuewithinto available storage faster. so were still able to receive products to the U.S. East Coast,South Korea remain stable. amasterplanprocess.TheCurrently,breakbulkandthe products that are most in along with various other coun- Whenwelookattotalinnovative master plan is cur- bulkcargoarrivingatthedemand right now.tries including Korea, Turkey,importsofsteelandsteel- rently in progress and has anCamden terminals is stored forDuganalsopointedout Japan, and Taiwan. related products at all three ter- estimated completion date byan average of 30 days beforetwoothertopconcernsthat In addition to its two ter- minals,thechangebetweenthe end of 2024. beingdispatchedviatruckorhave had serious impacts on minals in Camden, the SJPCQ1 of 2023 and Q1 of 2024Duganexplained,Therailtolocationsaroundtheocean shipping, and reported also owns and leases a thirdis an increase of 37%, notedmaster plan is meant to resultcountry.Mostproductsarewhatisbeingdoneassolu-terminal located in Paulsboro,Dugan. inexpansionofthestoragesemi-finished goodssuch astions to the problems.N.J., where products such asareas at the terminals that arestructural steel, steel coils andThelow-waterlevelsin steelslatsareimported.Inm ASterP lAnS teelS used for indoor and outdoortin plate coilswith almost allthe Panama Canal caused back-the past, Russia and Ukrainet erminAle xPAnSionS cargothatcomesin.Rightimports slated for use in resi- ups and delays in cargo arrivals. weretheoriginationpointsWhiletheSJPCwel- now, terminal space demandsdential, commercial, and indus- These delays created additional forsteelimportedtoPauls- comestheincreaseinsteelexceed the available storagetrial construction projects. coststhatwerepassedalong boro;however,geopoliticalimports,theyalsorealizespace, so the master plan isThegoalofthemastertotheimporters,whichwas issuescreatedadecreaseinthat with the additional cargofocusedonincreasingstor- plan, according to Dugan, is to( FORGEcontinued on the volume of steel imports.arrivalscomesaneedforage capacity. With the addi- show a road map for the nextpage 28)NORTH AMERICAS FIRSTALL-ELECTRIC CRANES HAVE ARRIVED Ultra-Powerful. Sustainable. E\x0bcient.Take advantage of our Special Advantage today.portofsandiego.org/cargo'