b"18American Journal ofTransportation ajot.comcargowarehouseat ArabiTerminal.ing announcement of $300 million in Also,ASRGroupisnegotiatingtofederal grants toward construction in builda200,000-square-footware- VioletinSt.BernardParish,down-houseatChalmetteTerminal,toriver from existing Port NOLA facili-augment an 81,000-square-foot ware- ties.Thosemonies,representingthe houseitalreadyisleasingforstor- largestfederalinvestmenteverina ing sugar from Dominos St. Bernardnew U.S. container terminal, are being Parish refinery. buttressed by funding from the State of The port also has finished marinaLouisiana and Port NOLA, plus $800 upgrades,isinthefinalphaseofmillionfromterminaloperatorPorts implementing a portwide geographicAmerica and the Terminal Investment informationsystem,orGIS,andisLtd. arm of global container line Med-advancing multiple roadway projects. iterranean Shipping Co.Groundbreakingisontrackfor P ort ofn ewo rleAnS 2025,withfirstLITberthopening Marketed as Port NOLA, the Portprojected for 2028, according to Port ofNewOrleanshasmadesignifi- NOLAofficials,includingAmanda cant progress on its second containerCoates, promoted this month to chief Facilities of St. Bernard Port, Harbor & Terminal District are situated just down the lowerterminal,the$1.8billionLouisianacommercialofficerfromheadof Mississippi River from New Orleans. International Terminal, or LIT, includ- (SWELLINGcontinued on page 19)(SWELLINGcontinued from page 8) from New Orleans, St. Bernard Port, now traversing the expanded PanamaHarbor & Terminal District is wrapping Canal. Development options call forup its most ambitious project evera future expansion of the logistics hubthree-year,$38millionrehabilitation to take in as many as 900 acres on theof sections A and F of Chalmette Slip. greenfield site.State and federal funds are respectively Charles Tillotson, in his second yearcovering $15 million and $13 million asexecutivedirectorofPlaqueminesofcosts,withtheremaindercoming Port following a stint as chief commer- from the port and its terminal opera-cial officer of SeaPort Manatee, saystor, Associated Terminals. When com-geographicandstrategicadvantagespletedbyfall,therenovatedfacility of the new terminal should be over- should enjoy a boost of as much as 25 whelming,withexpandedmarketpercent in throughput capacity for han-opportunitiesforbothimportanddlingferrousandnonferrousmetals, exportcargosviaasitethatisthreevarious other bulk, breakbulk and proj-hours roundtrip closer to mouth of theect cargos, and fertilizer.river than any other proposed terminal. Tosupportadditionalactivity, theportisworkingwith Associated S t . b ernArdP ort Terminalstoward2025constructionPort NOLAs $1.8 billion Louisiana International Terminal, or LIT, as depicted in this rendering, is JustdownthelowerMississippiof a new, 60,000-square-foot generalon track for 2025 groundbreaking.SEAPORT MANATEE OrlandoSOUTHWEST FLORIDASSeaPort ManateeGATEWAY TO GLOBAL TRADECentral and SouthwestFlorida's premier deepwater seaport at the entrance to Tampa BayAs one of Florida's fastest-growing deepwaterseaports, SeaPort Manatee offers efficientconnections to I-75 and I-275, the CSXmainline, and multiple weekly liner servicesto Mexico and Central America.From container, dry and liquid bulk, projectcargo, breakbulk cargo and more - let us showyou why SeaPort Manatee is the right turn onTampa Bay.www.SeaPortManatee.com"