b'MAY 2024GULF COAST PORTS 19according to HOST executives. Port of South Louisiana officials As part of HOSTs positioning ofoptimisticallypointtotwoconsecu-AvondaleGlobalGatewaytoservetiveyearsofincreasesintonnage asahubforoffshorewindenergymovingthroughPortSL,reach-development in the Gulf of Mexico,ing248,130,992shorttonsin2023, AGGrecentlyhostedparticipantsreversingasix-yeartrendofannual in Oceantic Networks Internationalnet decreases.Partnering Forum, as well as delega- Constructionofaseconddock tions representing Germany, Englandaccess bridge leading to PortSLs Glo-and Norway. balplex general cargo dock bodes to enhance the terminals dependability, P ort ofS outhl ouiSiAnA optimize cargo transfer efficiency and Spanning 54 miles on both sidesfacilitatehandlingofheavyloads. of the Mississippi upriver from Avon- Meanwhile, Life for Tyres Group Ltd., dale, the Port of South Louisiana isEuropes largest end-of-life tire recy-building upon its longtime positionscling company, announced in Febru-as the nations leading export hub forary its intent to invest $46 million in grain and the second-largest tonnageestablishingaplantforconverting Avondale Global Gateway, operated by T. Parker Host, is strategically situated along theport in the Western Hemisphere, rank- discardedtiresintosuchsustainable Mississippi Rivers West Bank in Jefferson Parish. ing behind only Houston. (SWELLINGcontinued on page 20)(SWELLINGcontinued fromnal operator and stevedore T. Parker page 18) Host.HOSTacquiredtheformer business development.Avondale Shipyard property in 2018 Augmenting Port NOLAs recentlyandreopenedthesitein2022asa modernizedNapoleonAvenueCon- center of maritime commerce.tainerTerminal,LITaimstoserveHOST has restored the Avondale vessels of all sizes and leverage Portdocks to former capacity and made NOLAs connectivity via four criticalconnection to the Union Pacific rail Interstatehighways,sixClassIrail- line, offering tenants and customers roads,14,500milesofinlandwater- upgradedmultimodaltransportation waysandmorethan30inlandhubsoptions. Roadway links have gotten todramaticallyincreaseLouisianasa boost with the completion in early import and export capabilities. 2024 of a $2 million refurbishment of AGGs trucking gate complex, in A vondAleg lobAlg AtewAy conjunction with the Jefferson Parish About 7 miles up the MississippiEconomicDevelopmentCommis-River from New Orleans, on the Westsion. And 275 acres of covered stor-BankinJeffersonParish,Avondaleageandopenlaydownspaceare GlobalGatewayisadvancingunderplayingaroleinattractionofnewThe Port of South Louisianas Globalplex general cargo dock is realizing a resurgence in activity the stewardship of century-old termi- manufacturingindustryinterest,over the past two years.AGENCY TERMINAL OPERATIONS STEVEDORING SOLUTIONSHOSTisashipagency,stevedoringandterminaloperationscompanywitha100-yearreputationforproviding excellent service and solutions in maritime.+1 (504) 224-9258 www.tparkerhost.com 5100 River Road | Avondale, LA 70094'