b'ForewordIn 2019, AJOTs coverage of breakbulk, energy and projects was a global undertaking with reports being filed from locations like northern China, Europe, and Australia as well as stories from closer to home in various parts of Canada and the US.Of course, there is also the day-to-day business of moving commodities like steel, aluminum and forest products that keeps ships moving - often to ports other than the mega-containerport destinations. It is the uncontained shipments that draw a lifetime allegiance of purveyors of the business. As one MPV (Multi Purpose Vessel) analyst bluntly said as an aside, Boxes are boring. From a purely breakbulk perspective steel and steel making dominate the commodity moves, whether that is iron ore, scrap or finished and semi-finished goods.And the steel George Lauriat, Editor in Chief industry is heavily influenced by China - both the movements of inbound raw materials and George joined the Boston Marineoutbound steel goods. For that reason, the ongoing Sino-US tariff war has had a dampening Guide in 1986, and has been Editoreffect on trade, as outlined in Peter Buxbaums various articles on the steel industry. The alu-in Chief since 1988. minum business has been impacted greatly in North America as it is closely linked to the auto industry - another downstream issue of the US-China dispute. Forest products are also a big breakbulk product, especially moving out of the North Amer-ican Pacific Northwest. Canadian correspondent Leo Ryans covered the topic for over twenty years and brings a perspective from north of the border that highlights the issues not only with THE UNCONTAINEDChina trade but the USMCA (US-Mexico-Canada) debate as well. Published by Fleur de Lis Publishing, Inc. 116 Court Street, Suite BPerhaps the commodity most influenced by international events is the soybean. Early in the Plymouth, MA02360 trade dispute, Beijing targeted US agricultural exports - and soybeans are the largest export William Bourbon, Publisher agricultural commodity - in retaliation for tariffs on their own exports to the US.Soybeans George Lauriat, Editor-in-Chief thus became a mainstay of the breakbulk editions in 2019 and will likely remain so until the Robert Kirk, Editor tariff wrangle is resolved.Eric Nelson, Digital Media DirectorCarole Lauriat, Office & Circulation Manager The project side of the breakbulk business is perhaps the most fascinating. Specialized vessels loaded with oversized freight like wind turbine parts, massive generators, oil & gas EDITORIAL industry loads and even gantry cranes for container ports are awe inspiring to see. Peter Buxbaum, Northeast CorrespondentPaul Scott Abbott, Gulf region Correspondent Wind power represented a big part of the 2019 coverage. Whether it was shipments to Stas Margaronis, California Correspondent Canadas wind farms in the western provinces or the emerging offshore market in the North-Leo Quigley, Pacific Northwest Correspondent eastern US, it is clear wind power is rising unabated. AJOT business & finance correspondent Leo Ryan, Canada Correspondent Matt Miller has covered the subject on both sides of the Atlantic with an in depth view of the Matt Miller, Business CorrespondentManik Mehta, International Correspondent fledgling offshore business in the Northeast US and the mature wind power industry in the Robert Wallack, International Correspondent Netherlands - a close look at what the US might become over the next two decades.SALES AND SPONSORSHIPS Another major segment of the power segment of the project business is LNG (liquefied Monica Grier, Southeast & Gulf Coast Salesnatural gas). LNG exports from the US are increasing as more export facilities come online [email protected] - particularly in the US Gulf region. But it is a global phenomenon.Peter Buxbaums The Brendan Dugan, East Coast & West Coast Sales (908)[email protected] natural-gas economy is a sneak peek into the application of a transforming technology thats Ed Andrews, Europe Saleslikely to reshape energy product moves over the next two decades.+44 7880 [email protected] will 2020 be like for a business that must be at once attuned to the day-to-day but with an eye to projects that frequently take decades to bring into reality? Our (albeit cautious) guess is a resurgence of business as trade issues ease and project money and regulatory reforms release projects that have been in stasis - but with apologies to the Bard, the future is indeed the undiscovered country.[cover image]Mammoets expertise helped to carry out a record load on Albertas roads. (Photo Courtesy of Inter Pipeline)Copyright Fleur de Lis Publishing, Inc.All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without the permission of The Uncontained is prohibited. The Uncontained cannot be held responsible for any unsolicited materials. PRINTED IN THE USA.2 THE UNCONTAINED www.theuncontained.com'