b'For 2019, CanWea anticipates 1,000the seamless delivery. It is a team en- cargoes forecast to be up and a num-MW of new wind energy projects com- deavor!ber of infrastructure projects coming on missioned in Alberta, Ontario and Sas- line. We will be aggressively continu-katchewan. Wehandleawidevarietyofcar- ing our sales and promotion initiatives goes,fromwindturbinesandbladesintheprojectcargo/over-dimensional Positive Outlook on to modules destined to the oilsands inmarket, working with existing and new Western Canada. The volume of projectcarriers explaining the ease of transiting St. Lawrence Seaway cargo moving through HWY H2O for our system.In an interview, Bruce Hodgson, di- the 2018/2019 season was at a similar rectorofmarketdevelopmentforthelevel to the previous year at 400,000Also optimistic was Tim Heney, CEO St.LawrenceSeawayManagementmetrictons. Thistrafficwasdestinedof the Port of Thunder Bay on the tip of Corporation, offered an optimistic out- to a number of ports including Toledo,Lake Superior which in recent years has look. Project cargoes are important toCleveland, ThunderBay,Duluth,anddeveloped a growing business in proj-HWY H2O. The Great Lakes St. Law- Detroit. We also saw the export of lo- ect and dimensional cargoes. He said rence System competes vigorously withcally manufactured wind blades fromhelookedforwardtoanotherstrong other gateways such as the East CoastDuluth to Europe. Seaway season in 2019 in the project of the US and the US Gulf. Our ports,and breakbulk business at Keefer Ter-Looking forward, Hodgson stated,minal. carriers and other supply chain stake- we see a robust year ahead, with wind holders work collaboratively to insure 44 THE UNCONTAINED www.theuncontained.com'