b'The season began this spring with a returnterminal built in 2018 is already committed of steel and rail shipments destined for west- to bulk cargo users, and additional space is ern Canada. needed to accommodate the growing break-bulkvolumes. TheporthasalreadystartedSteel shipments continue to increase andwork to expand lay down area for breakbulk, diversify with beams, rail and pipe and weadding approximately 215,000 square feet of arealsolookingatcoilshipmentsforthisspace. Later this spring, work will also begin season, Heney said, Other regular cargoeson our gate expansion project. We will be include wind turbines, electrical transformersdoubling gate capacity to accommodate traf-and pressure vessels. fic from our various users, adding gates and Otherwise, he added, The big story is thean automated check-in process for breakbulk construction of our new rail yard and heat- deliveries, as well as a second scale to accel-edwarehousebuildinginpartnershipwitherate bulk cargo truck movements.theNational TradeCorridorsFundandtheAmherst Island wind energy Northern Ontario Heritage Fund.This proj-ect will increase cargo handling capacity andprojectefficiency.Among recent major wind farm undertak-Valleyfields Arctic Cargo ings in Canada, one worth highlighting in-volved Ontario-based tug and barge operator Horizons McKeil Marine in the $272 million Amherst Similarly, upbeat was the Port of Valleyfield,Island wind energy project that was complet-on the St. Lawrence Seaway near Montreal.ed and reached an operational stage last sum-mer. The project was established in response We are looking forward to another busyto the Government of Ontarios commitment season in 2019, said Jean-Philippe Paquin,to developing renewable electricity. A total of the ports general manager. Positioned main- 26 wind turbines were installed on Amherst ly as a project cargo and regional bulk port,Island, located six miles west of Kingston on we continue to see a growing volumes of do- Lake Ontario.mestic Arctic cargo. Most notably NEAS, aAll materials, supplies and workers were leader in Arctic service, will increase its shiptransportedfromanassembleddocknear [image 3.3-2] - above capacity in 2019 and is expected to have aMillhavenON,notedJaysonStansfield, Niche carrier BigLift calling thebanneryear.CapitalinvestmentprojectsatManager Commercial. McKeil was contract-Port of Valleyfield near MontrealBaffinland Iron Mine is also fueling growthed to supply a complement of tugs, barges which is expanding its breakbulkfor Desgagns Transarctik.operations. and workboats. McKeils clients, Algonquin International breakbulk cargo is showingPowerandPenneconLimited,feltthefirm healthygrowthonSpliethoffsCEEservice,was right after seeing our vessels in action on in addition to the new monthly service fromthe Pave-Al project at Billy Bishop Airport on Compass Logistics, inaugurated in SeptemberToronto Island.2018, linking Rotterdam and Valleyfield. ThisHowever,thiswasoneofthoseprojects added capacity on the growing Canada-Eu- that sparked considerable controversy during ropetradelaneshouldallowustofurthera decade-long battle that saw 350 of the is-increase our international breakbulk traffic. lands 420 residents oppose it. Nevertheless, The growth in project cargo is also pushing17landownersaretodayhostingthe26 port limits. Paquin indicated. The new bulkturbines.2019 Collection Project / Energy Shipping 45'