b'2.3 Quebecs Desgagns Group innovates with polar class dual fuel tankersBased at the Port of Quebec on theThe construction of the Rossi A. Des-St. Lawrence River, the privately-ownedgagns, as for the Paul A. Desgagns, DesgagnsGrouphasbeensteadi- Mia Desgagns and Damia Desgagns, ly raising its profile not only in Northis the result of multiple innovations and America but on various shipping lanescolossal work, says Louis-Marie Beau-Leo Ryan, AJOTaroundtheglobe.Attractingindustrylieu, Chairman and Chief Executive Of- This article was originally published onattention especially has been the intro- ficer of Desgagns. He added that theMay 13, 2019 in issue #688duction of the worlds first polar classshipwasnamedRossiA.Desgagnsthings, a significant decrease in green-dual fuel oil/chemical tankers. to pay tribute to Mario Rossi, who hashouse gas emissions and reducing par-Thecarriertookdeliveryinlatebeen working at Desgagns for 15 yearsticle emissions to practically zero.and who played a major role in the de-April of the M/T Rossi A. Desgagns, asign and supervision of the project. TheRossiA.Desgagnsisdou-state-of-the-art, new-generation tankerble-hulled and holds a Polar 7 ice class, whose construction was just complet- Acharteredaccountbyprofession,confirming her capacity to navigate in ed. It was the last in a series of four cus- Beaulieu took over the reins in 1987 ofice-ladenwaters.Withadeadweight tom-built tankers, based on an originalan enterprise whose origins go back toof 15,000 tons at 7.8 meters draft, her concept developed by Desgagns andthe 19th century. Revenues have morecargo tanks can hold up to 17,505 m3 ordered from the Besiktas Shipyard inthandoubledinthepastdecadetoat98%capacity.Itisequippedwith Yalova near Istanbul, Turkey. The vesselC$300 million from operations in liq- aWrtsil5RT-flex50DFenginede-will soon be leaving Turkey and is ex- uid bulk, general cargo, breakbulk, dryveloping5,450kWpower. Toensure pected in Canada in mid-June. bulk and passengers. Capital expendi- outstandingmaneuverabilityandto TheM/TRossiA.Desgagnsjoinstures have run in the hundreds of mil- optimizesafety,itfeaturesavariable the M/T Gaa Desgagns acquired thislions of dollars during this period. Thepitch propeller, a 750kW bow thruster, spring by the company. These two in- Desgagnsfleetof20vesselstradesa 550kW stern thruster and a dynamic vestments alone exceed C$100 million. intheGreatLakes,theSt.Lawrencepositioning system.Seaway, the Canadian Arctic, the east The major renewal plan for the com- coasts of Canada and the United States, panys tanker fleet reaffirms its commit- and all seas in the world.ment to environmental protection andThecompanynowownsfivedu-sustainabledevelopment,offersun- al-fuel/LNG tankers and is particularly paralleled service to its customers andproud of this fleet, unique in America, createsuniquecareeropportunitieswhich focuses on safety, environmental forseafarersyoungandold,wantingprotection and sustainability. Liquefied to work on avant-garde ships, stated anaturalgas(LNG)offersundeniable press release. advantages,allowing,amongother 2019 Collection Shipping Regulations 35'