b'2.2 Complying with IMO 2020 - the optionsShipownershaveseveralalternativestoIn2018,CMACGMsignedanagree-lowerexhaustemissions.Usingliquefiedment with Total Marine Fuels Global Solu-natural gas (LNG) provides a nearly 100%tions covering the supply of 300,000 tons of reductioninSOxemissionscomparedtoLNG per year for 10-years starting in 2020. heavy fuel oil (HFO), while marine gas oilThe LNG will fuel CMA CGMs nine new Peter Buxbaum, AJOTThis article was originally published on (MGO)contains0.10percentsulfurm/m22,000-TEU container ships, scheduled for November 25, 2019 in issue #698 (massofsulfur/totalmass),comparedtodelivery beginning in 2020. LNG is the fuel HFOs sulfur levels of 3.5% m/m.of the future for shipping, said Rodolphe Saad, CEO of CMA CGM, in a statement. Scrubbers, which require substantial up-front investments, allow ships to use HFOCOSCOalsotookstepstosecurealter-while reducing SOx emissions by sprayingnative fuel sources when it signed a supply exhaust gas with water. Other technologiesagreement with Double Rich Limited to pro-include heat recovery, which converts wast- vide the carrier with low-sulfur fuel oil in ed fuel into electricity; lithium-ion batteries,March 2019. COSCO also installed scrub-which are already in use on ships; and fuelbers on two of its vessels on a pilot basis, cells, a future potential alternative to todaysand announced it will be investing further in ship engines, which have been the subject ofthat technology. recent testing. Maerskisalsoplanningonrunningthe Some carriers that have been public withvast majority of its fleet on low-sulfur fuel their plans have indicated that they intend toand to invest in scrubbersto the tune of take a hybrid approach, using lighter fuels$263 millionfor retrofitting selected ves-and also investing in scrubbers. An Alphalin- sels.Thepurposeofthestrategy,said er report noted that some transpacific carri- Vincent Clerc, chief commercial officer of ers are outfitting their vessels with scrubbers. Maersk Shipping, is to mitigate the risk of fuel price uncertainty in 2020.Zeamarine, the breakbulk and multi-pur-pose vessel operator, signaled a fuel switchHamburgSdwassomewhataheadof when it announced that its bunker adjust- the curve when it launched a pilot with its ment will be based on the cost differencecustomer Electrolux in the Chilean Port of between IFO 380, the traditional 3.5% sul- Iquique over two years ago, expanding the fur heavy fuel oil, and marine gasoil (MGO),programin2018tootherLatin American a pricier alternative.ports. Auxiliary engines and boilers switched from HFO to MGO during layovers, while CMA CGM announced that it will favorthe shipper and carrier divvied up the addi-the use of 0.5-percent fuel oil for its fleet,tional costs. Using MGO decreased the SOx will use LNG to power some of its futureemissions attributable to the Electrolux car-containerships, while also ordering severalgo by over 95 percent.scrubbers. In addition to the LNG, a number of companies like Wilhelmsen are lookingAll in all, industry experts say $30 billion into LH2Liquid Hydrogenas a bunkerin additional costs will be incurred to com-fuel.ply with IMO 2020.34 THE UNCONTAINED www.theuncontained.com'