b'The concern by U.S. senators aboutRico following the devastation causedFromthetimeMariamadeland-the Administrations current proposal tobyHurricaneMaria. TheDepartmentfalltotoday,Americanmaritimehas waive Jones Act provisions was basedofHomelandSecurityannouncedondemonstrated that it is fully committed on past history. September 28, 2017 that the Jones Actto Puerto Ricos recovery and has the would be temporarily waived. Report- capacity to deliver badly-needed reliefIn September, 2017 the Trump Ad- edly,DHShadfacedpressurefromsupplies, including millions of gallons ministrationsDepartmentofHome- U.S. Senators including the late Sena- of fuel, to the island. Unfortunately, in land Security (DHS) waived the Jonestor John McCain, a longtime opponentthe immediate aftermath of the hurri-Actrequirementforoneweektoal- of the Jones Act, demanding that ship- cane, Puerto Ricos internal distribution lowoilandgasoperatorstoutilizements be speeded up using foreign flagcapabilitiesweredevastated,sothat foreign-flaggedvesselstoensurefuelvessels. whiletheJones Actfleetconsistently reached emergency responders duringdelivered relief cargo to the island, that HurricaneIrmaandfollowingHurri- Allegretti told AJOT there was nevercargo was piling up in the port with no cane Harvey. any question that U.S. carriers could doway to reach its inland destinations.the job of supplying Puerto Rico. The Asecondwaiver,laterinSep- real problem, he said, was port facil-tember of 2017, was approved by theities and truck transport on the island Administrationallowingforeignflagwere seriously damaged by Hurricane carrierstotransportgoodstoPuertoMaria.2019 Collection Shipping Regulations 37'