b'The 29-acre heavy lift facility at Newports,itsdefinitelyatthehigherend Bedfordwasspecificallybuilttostagewhen it comes to load bearing.the offshore wind industry. Its the first in the US to do so and is far ahead of othersTheterminalendedupcosting$113 now being planned. million. But 60% of that money was spent on environmental cleanup and remedia-We feel that were well positioned totion. The port of New Bedford is a federal not only support offshore wind develop- superfund site and construction included ment in these first few years of the US off- removal of PCVs and other contaminants shore wind industry, but also looking for- from the harbor, as part of channel im-ward to the future, said Gregory Dolan,provements, as well as removal of con-the terminal manager. taminants on the site itself.Long Time Blowing in theThe terminal is part of the Massachu-settsCleanEnergyCenter,astateeco-Wind nomic development agency.The saga of the terminal is one of per- The New Bedford Terminal was aimed sistence, setbacks and, ultimately, sometoatfirstsupporttheCape Windproj-success. Construction began in 2013 onect, the ultimately doomed almost-two-There were some tense moments with the failure ofCape Wind, but that said, we had taken the long view on this. Cape Wind was a driver, but [the terminal] wasnt built for Cape Wind. the site of a long-abandoned fabric mill.decades-longefforttoconstructwind The vacant site lay south of the New Bed- farms in Nantucket Sound, off Cape Cod. ford Port, the largest fishing port in theWealthy residents litigated the project to US.death, while Democratic Senator Edward TheprojectscenterpieceisaKennedy battled against it in Washington. 1,200-foot-longpier,withuniformCape Windultimatelysankincourtin load-bearing capacities of 20 metric tons2017.per square meter and concentrated loadsMeanwhile, the terminal, completed in of up to 100 metric tons per square meter.early 2015, has stood pretty much emp-This is critical as turbines and blades arety, although it recently hosted delivery of becoming larger and heavier. onshore wind turbines destined for west-The terminal is designed for at leastern Massachusetts. Its also being used by the next generation of turbines to come,survey vessels for other offshore projects.saidDolan,whowasalsoinvolvedinAccordingtoBruceCarlisle,senior the planning and design of the terminal.directorforoffshorewindattheClean EvenincomparisontotheEuropeanEnergyCenter,stateofficialshadbeen 2019 Collection Project / Energy Shipping 47'