b'Havfram Wind rendering of their state-of-the-art Wind Turbine Installation Vessel (WTIV) GustoMSC NG20000X Jack-Up vessel.- Photo courtesy of Havfram Windrsted, the Hornsea 3 project developer,MunchAgerskov,thecompanyschieftheU.S.installation,isexpectedtobe said that use of the NG20000X brings acommercial officer. The new feeder solu- completed this year.cutting-edge vessel to the offshore windtionequipsMaerskSupplyServicewithAgainstthebackdropofgrowing market. amethodologythatensuresaradicallyturbinesizes,saidNilsvanNood,Gus-more efficient installation, he said, whichtoMSCsmanagingdirector,weaimto Maersk Supply Service will, in turn, enable developers to releasefurtherimproveinstallationefficiencies their supply chains more quickly and leadand development economics in the bot-Maersk Supply Service, which has thetofasterrevenuegenerationfromtheirtom-fixed offshore wind market.contract to install the turbines for Empirewind farms. All of this will contribute toSince the installation vessel does not Wind, has designed and commissioned abringing down the costs of offshore wind. sail into ports, added Agerskov, this can new and patented wind installation vesselThis methodology enables the instal- solve some of the bottlenecks we currently that,itsays,willmaketheinstallationlationvesseltobedeployedsolelyforsee in Europe, where only a few ports are ofbottom-fixedoffshorewindturbinesthepurposeoftheturbineinstallation,large enough to handle the growing wind upto30%fasterthantheconventionalAgerskovadded,acharacteristicwhichturbine sizes.jack-up method. Maersk Supplys plan isalso makes the operation compliant withVanNoodscommentshinesalight to have the installation vessel stationedthe Jones Act, since the vessel wont beonthelogisticsproblemidentifiedby permanentlyatawindfarmtocarrytransporting cargo between two U.S. loca- Rystadfacingtheglobaloffshorewind outsuccessiveinstallations,whiletwotions. The tugs and barges for the Empireindustry,whileandAgerskovsidentifies new-builttugsandbargeswillferrytheWind project will be built in the U.S. andyet another potential challenge. It remains turbinecomponentstotheinstallationoperated by Kirby Offshore Wind, a Hous- to be seen whether the fleet of installation site. Construction on the first such vesselton-based company. vessels will grow sufficiently to meet the began late last year and is expected to beInApril,MaerskSupplyServiceburgeoning needHavfram Wind recently delivered in 2025. announced it had entered a cooperationordered only its second NG20000Xand ThefactthattheinstallationvesselagreementwithGustoMSC,aDutchwhetherportswillbeabletoefficiently stayson-siteforassembly,whiletheengineering firm specializing in offshoreaccommodateincreasedoffshorewind tugsandbargesshuttlebackandforthunits, to design wind installation vesselsinstallation activity and the increasing size with the turbine components, is the keyfor the European market. The process forof its components.to the efficiency that the Maersk Supplyits design, which will be built on the same design is promoting, according to Jonascharacteristics as the feeder concept for Back to Contents THE UNCONTAINED 21'