b'CROWLEY SPEARHEADS OFFSHORE WIND OPERATIONSAT HUMBOLDT BAYBy Stas Margaronis, , AJOTMay 2023 | Published in AJOT Issue #753Jeffrey Andreini, Vice President, Crowley Wind Services saidtotowtheturbinesout,thefloatingturbines. the companys supply chain experiences with wind farm opera- You will also be potentially seeing amanufacturing tions on the East Coast will help it accelerate Northern Californiasite, but I dont want to get any- bodyshopesup operations at Humboldt Bay. as of yet. There will be tugs andbargestransporting In opening up the new Crowley Wind Services office at Eureka,pre-assembledcompo- nents. In addition, heavy California on April 19th, Andreini told elected officials and mar- liftshipswillbeusedfor the construction of the itime stakeholders that Crowleys development of supply chainterminals.Therewillbe heavy lift cranes that willservices for wind operations owes a great deal to the leadershipbe doing the actualconstruction of the turbine. So, the of Thomas B. Crowley Jr. Crowley has served as Chief Executiveterminalwilldothe construction of the floaters. The OfficerandChair- floaterswillactually be built in Humboldt Bay and manoftheBoardnot in a for- eign country. There might be materials that ofDirectorsformightcome from Asia, but the pre-construction will CrowleyMaritimepoten- tially (take place) in either San Francisco or Los since1994:TomAngelesandwouldbeshippedtoHumboldtBay told me three yearswhere the actual buildout will take place. ago,Jeff,IwantAndreiniexplainedCrowleysrole:Crowleywillbe ouroffshorewindresponsible for hiring the stevedores and the crane companies business to be morethat will do the actual construction of those turbinesThese than chartering tugsthings are gigantic, they dwarf anything from a fixed component and barges. He hasstandpoint. The (wind turbine) towers are as high as 300 meters Jeffrey Andreini, VP, Crowley Wind Services inspiredustobe(nearly 1,000 feet)theleadingsupplyEmployment for the ProjectchainproviderfortheoffshorewindbusinessintheUnited States. Without his mentoring, we would not be the leader thatAs regards to employment, Andreini said, were looking at we are in this space. about3,200people.Youregoingtoneedtechnicians,youre Scope of the Humboldt Wind Farm Project going to need workers to work on the terminals, mariners work-ing on the vessels themselves, stevedores. We have a relation-Last November, Andreini spoke to AJOT and described theship with Cal Poly Humboldt to begin that relationship regarding scope of the wind farm effort at Humboldt Bay: I do not thinkemploymentandalsowithRedwoodCommunityCollege. that many peoplerealize the momentum that is building forTheres going to have to be outreach, we are going to have to find offshore wind that is going to become evident in the secondthe men and women to work because theres not enough people half of this decade. The opportunity in California affords us theavailable. So how do you reach out to Sacramento and San Fran-ground floor opportunity for us to make a difference not just incisco to find workers to bring out to Eureka (in Humboldt County, California, but also on the U.S. West Coast to structure a supplyCalifornia) to work in the program? You are talking about two chain and a workforce. different classes of workers, blue caller workers coming from If permits for the project are approved in 2024, then he expectsRedwood Community College. Those are the people who will be shovels in the ground thereafter and start up middle of 2026.running through a wielding program or carpentry program or the In 2026, you will be seeing a marshalling area where you will beskills trades that will be needed. The mariners will be coming seeing components. Vessels as well. Anchor handling vesselsfrom California Maritime Academy in Vallejo. And then thirdly, 30'