b'PSA BREAKBULK LAUNCHES FIRST PROJECT CARGO ECOSYSTEM IN THE PORT OF ANTWERPPSA Breakbulk officially launched the Port of Antwerps first Project Cargo Ecosystem (PCE) in Belgium. The opening event was attended by partners, clients, representatives of the Port of Antwerp-Bruges and other stakeholders.BeingthefirstofitskindinthePortfacility. With sustainability being a key priority, of Antwerp, the PCE is a one-stop shopWith direct tide-free access to the seaPSA Breakbulk has also invested in elec-breakbulk terminal facility located behindandthehinterland,thePCEoffersthetrifyingitsequipmentandinstallinga the locks on the south side of Churchillinfrastructure,equipment,andspacetowind turbine, targeted to be operational by Dock. It offers infrastructure, equipment,load, unload, store and handle all types2025.andvalue-addedservicesforindustrialof project cargo. The terminal features aStrategically located near the NextGen partners to load and unload, store, pack- quay length of 550 meters, a draught of 13District, the PCE is well-positioned to facil-age, consolidate and build-up their high- meters and a 140,000 m2 yard. Currently,itate cargo flows requiring turnkey opera-endprojectcargowithinonededicatedit is equipped with Self-Propelled Modulartions for the circular business in this area location. Transporters (SPMTs) with up to 40 axleand to serve as marshalling and lay down One-Stop Shop linestomoveheavyandbulkycargoareasforthepetrochemicalclusterin around. Antwerp.Thisinvestmentdemonstrates SincetheestablishmentofthejointApermanentheavyliftcranewithaPSAs commitment to develop world-class venture between PSA, Haeger & Schmidtlifting capacity up to 750 tons was alsoportecosystemsanddeliverinnovative LogisticsandFelbermayrin2021,PSArecentlyinstalled,settingtherecordforcargosolutionstobettercatertothe Breakbulk has invested millions of Euroshaving the highest quayside lifting capac- needs of cargo stakeholders.in repurposing the facility at the Churchillity in the entire port. Dennis Verbeeck, the general manager dockintoafully-equippedheavycargo 26'