b'of PSA Breakbulk, explains: We stronglyourcustomersaone-stop-shopatthededicated location. This innovative state-believe in the added value of this ProjectPSA Breakbulk Terminal. This is unique inof-the-artprojectmakesanimportant Cargo Ecosystem for the industry in andAntwerp. Our joint venture partners com- contribution to the main ambition of our around the Port of Antwerp and for theplementary services enable us to designport: sustainable growth.developmentofthePortandFlandersnew integrated transport solutions underName-Giving Ceremonyitself.Byofferingaone-stopshopcon- the label of the Project Cargo Ecosystem. cept,wemaketheentireprocessmoreAnnick De Ridder, the Vice-Mayor of theDuringtheceremony,PSABreakbulk transparent, visible and convenient for ourCity of Antwerp, responsible for the portofficiallyinaugurateditsnewlyinstalled customers. and President of the (board of directors ofheavy lift crane at the PCE and revealed HeikoBrckner,CEOofHaeger&the) Port of Antwerp-Bruges says: Withits new name BIG FELB after the joint Schmidt LogisNcs says: We are pleasedthisveryfirstProjectCargoEcosystemventure partner Felbermayr that provided to have been able to strengthen the projectinAntwerpPSABreakbulklaunchesathe crane. This name was selected from and heavy lift expertise at PSA Breakbulkvery innovative one-stop shop breakbulkthe many suggestions that guests made since we established our joint venture twoterminal facility. Strategically located nearwhenregisteringfortheevent.Joris years ago. As result of the investments inthe NextGen District this PCE offers infra- DeMondt,anoperationalsupervisorat specially equipped hauls and the Felber- structure,equipment,andvalue-addedPSA Breakbulk, thought of the name and mayr heavy lift crane, we can now offerservices for industrial partners within onereceived a memento in appreciation.Back to Contents THE UNCONTAINED 27'