b'BREMENS NEUSTADT PORT AGGRESSIVELY PUSHES BREAKBULK CARGO TRAFFICPort of Bremerhavens auto terminalBy Manik Mehta, AJOT March 2023 | Published in AJOT Issue #751BremenInvest,theinvestmentandNon-containerizedbreakbulkcargomeanwhile,specializedintheconven-business promoting agency of the Northis shipped from the Neustadt portthetional handling of breakbulk cargo arriving GermancityofBremen,toutsBremenscargoincludessteelproductssuchason regular liner services and distributed portsa cluster of ports in Bremen andpipes,timber,machineryandmachinefrom there to customers throughout Ger-Bremerhaven together make up Bremen- parts, etc. Components for wind turbinesmany.Neustadt port also handles trans-ports - as the regions engine for tradeandmassivepaperrollsforthepapershipment by floating crane of containers and industry, creating thousands of jobsindustry are brought ashore here, thoughand heavy goods with unit weights of up inthehandlingofships,transportanda small volume of containers also passesto650tonnes.Increasingly,largecom-transshipment of goods, repairs, logisticsthrough Neustadt port. Its proximity to theponents for onshore wind farms are also and other services. The two ports handleBremen Cargo Distribution Center meanstransshipped through the port, and natural awiderangeofcargo:containers,bulkthat goods do not have to be transportedgasliquefactionplants,whicharrivein goods,automobiles,projectcargo,andfar, says Rainer Schaefer, a senior man- largeindividualpartsinNeustadtport hazardousgoods.ThePortofBremer- ager with a logistics company near Ham- wheretheyareassembledintofinished havenhandlesabout80%ofthecargo,burg.plants, are loaded onto large ships or pon-including containers. The Neustadt port remains an import- toons for onward transport.AfterAntwerp,Bremenisthesecondant breakbulk hub in Europe, with a largeBreakbulk Europemostimportanttransshipmenthubinvolume of shipments destined for North Europe for forestry products, steel prod- America. According to Sven Riekers, theBreakbulkEurope2021,animportant uctsandmachinery.BremensNeustadtsalesdirectoratNeustadtPort,abouteventfortheprojectcargoandbreak-port is home to Europes largest terminal1.5milliontonnesofbreakbulkcargobulk industry, scheduled to take place in for breakbulk and heavy-lift cargo, provid- washandledbyNeustadtPortin2022.Bremen in 2021 was cancelled because of ing more than a million square meters ofFurthermore, the so-called High & Heavythe COVID lockdown and other restrictions warehousespaceandoutdoorstorage,Terminal in Bremerhaven handled aboutimposed on visitors.It had been held prior and ships. Neustadt Port, located on the1.2 million tonnes (of equipment such asto that in Bremen; the 2022 edition was left side of the Weser River, handles, pri- constructionmachines,buses,cranes,held in Rotterdam.marily, breakbulk/project cargo, iron andetc. as well as other breakbulk goods).Nick Davison, Portfolio Director Break-steel products, forest products, etc. TheterminalsatNeustadtporthave,bulk&CWIEME,HyveGroupPLC,had 34'