b"- TMI -TOEPFER'S MULTIPURPOSE INDEX$25.000$24.500$24.000 $23.099 $22.954$23.500 $22.577 $22.760$23.000$22.500 $21.608$22.000$21.500TIME CHARTER RATE PER DAY$21.000 $20.289$20.500$20.000$19.500 $18.915$19.000$18.500 $17.827$18.000$17.500$17.000$16.500 $15.900$16.000 $15.137$15.500 $14.907 $14.595$15.000 $14.360$14.500$14.000$13.500$13.000$12.500$12.000$11.500$11.000$10.500$10.000May-22 Jun-22 Jul-22 Aug-22 Sep-22 Oct-22 Nov-22 Dec-22 Jan-23 Feb-23 Mar-23 Apr-23 May-23MONTHThis Index (TMI) represents the monthlyaverage timecharter rate assessment established by a panel of Operators,Source: TOEPFER TRANSPORT
[email protected]:This Indexis a statement of opinion only and no guarantee can be given that the index value will be achieved during a market transactio n.Neither Toepfer Transport GmbH, nor its Directors or employees will be responsible for the consequence of reliance on or any transactions upon this Index.Adetailed denition and methodology of the index is availabe upon request.Wind seems to remain at the forefront due to global greenmarketable product.initiatives. The North American continent is literally surroundedIts also important not to overlook the impact that the mining by ongoing and planned wind projects for both onshore and land- industry has in the project and heavy-lift segment. The carbon side installation. It remains interesting that windpower was onceneutral world we are now pursuing will require massive amounts considered to be our salvation toward a cleaner and healthierof metals and minerals to achieve a net zero world. In addition to planet. However, questions still remain about the actual contribu- the actual extraction of materials we are also seeing the begin-tion wind makes to the overall power grid. Global power demandning of efforts toward the electrification of mining trucks and is only forecast to grow in the next couple of decades, so it willother equipment. We are at the very early stages of a complete require multiple energy sources with LNG, hydrogen and nucleartransformation and need for new replacement equipment.making up a high percentage of the total resources required toFinally, the Journal of Commerce recently held their annual fuel the world. As such a wide range of energy projects could popBreakbulkConferenceinNewOrleans.Attendancewasin up in the near future. excess of 800 registrants to hear global industry leaders discuss New oil and gas projects are also starting to heat up. Thisthe current health of the Breakbulk and Project sector. What was is not just about exploration. Many projects on the books haveunique about this conference was how many presentation seg-todowithconversionandupgradesofexistingplants.Newments contained the words energy security, vessel emissions, breakthroughs in carbon capture technology are helping industrylow carbon, no carbon, new ship designs, sustainability, decar-to become a better steward for our future. Many of the worldsbonization, hydrogen, AI, the list went on.major oil and energy companies have contributed to these newLike it or not the world is changing, and the train has already scientific discoveries on how to convert CO2 into a clean andleft the station, so enjoy the ride!Back to Contents THE UNCONTAINED 33"