b'Mohammed Juma Al Mansouri, Undersecretary for Infrastruc- Middle East (Branch), the session assessed the possible eco-ture and Transport Affairs at the Ministry of Energy and Infra- nomic impact of projects such as the NEOM and King Salman structure,stated that the world had faced significant challengesEnergy Park in Saudi Arabia, as well as the North Field East LNG in the past three years due to supply chain disruptions causedexpansion project in Qatar, followed by discussions on the oppor-by the pandemic and geopolitical unrest.However, the UAEtunities in markets such as Africa for the breakbulk and project and its maritime sector emerged resilient and responded swiftlycargo sectors expansion during the Africa as a Region of Oppor-to overcome challenges and satisfy global needs. Despite thetunity: Outlook, Projects and Entering the Market session.unprecedented crisis, our ports demonstrated exceptional resil- Abdulla bin Damithan, CEO & Managing Director, DP World ience to ensure a smooth flow of goods from one part of theUAE & JAFZA, emphasized that his group recognized the project world to the other, ensuring economic stability locally, regionally,cargo and breakbulk industry as the backbone of many busi-and internationally. nesses, from energy to construction and everything in between. He noted that in addition to ranking third in transport servicesAs a leading smart trade enabler, we continually invest in tech-trade and bunker supply index, the UAE was also re-elected tonological solutions like Dubai Trade and CARGOES and upgrade the Executive Council of the International Maritime Organizationour infrastructure to cater to the increased demands. Our invest-(IMO),underCategoryB,furtherconsolidatingitsroleinthements allowed Jebel Ali Port to handle over 40 million metric global maritime spectrum. He reinforced his ministrys goal totonnes of breakbulk cargo in the last 10 years. In 2022 alone, the constantlyinnovateandimproveourcapabilitiesinordertoport handled more than 4 million metric tonnes, up 11 per cent cement our position as a leading logistics and shipping hub.year-on-year and marking one of our most successful years in Hessa Al Malek, advisor to the Minister for Maritime Transportthis sector.Affairs, UAE Ministry of Energy, and Infrastructure, also referredOther important sessions and initiatives at the BBME included to the global situation during a press conference in Dubai. WhiletheWomeninBreakbulkNetworkingBreakfast;End-to-End ports across the globe suffered from congestion, our ports show- Logistics: Artificial and Business Intelligence Driving Efficiency cased their excellent capabilities by handling huge amounts ofin Ports; and Wind Energy in the UAE: Transportation, Installation, cargo to keep trade through the country and the region flowing.and Lessons Learnt. This enabled the industry in the UAE to generate over Dirham 90Thebreakbulkshippingandportservicesdivisionofthe billion (approx. US$ 24.5 bn), a value that none of us could haveWilhelmsen Group in the Middle East was upbeat about robust magined considering the difficulties that surrounded us, he said. growth in 2023. The groups Dubai-based vice president, Frederic Top representatives from the Ministry, DP World, Abu DhabiFontarosa, maintained that with project activity levels returning Ports Group, DSV Solutions Abu Dhabi, and other UAE organi- to normal and the industry recovering, the sector was now at zations, underscored the BBMEs commitment to facilitate thealmost the same pre-pandemic level. industrys expansion in new markets, and work towards the sec- His group was targeting a double-digit growth for 2023, given tors progress across the globe. its involvement in several initiatives ahead of the COP28 (the UN TheBBMEsopeningsession,MENAProjectReview,pro- Climate Change Conference) to be hosted by the UAE.vided insights into major projects in the pipeline.Led by RyanThe next BBME event will be held In Dubai on 12-13 February McPherson, Director, Middle East, Africa, Russia & CIS, EICUK2024.The Breakbulk Middle East 2023 exhibition-cum-conference was held at the Dubai World Trade Centre.Back to Contents THE UNCONTAINED 9'