b'calledtheevent,heldinBremenduringpany that manages the ports in Bremenincluded ores and metal waste, iron, steel, theearliertwoyears,astremendously-ESPOisputtingtogetheraprogramandnon-ferrousmetals;solidmineral successful.Hestatedthatmanynewwhichaimsatcombiningthebroad- fuels;petroleumproducts,andminerals companies had benefited from Breakbulkening-the-lenssessionswithhands-onand building materials. Other non-contain-Europeastheyidentifiednewbusinessdebates,asBremenportshasbeenerizedcargoincludedagriculturalprod-opportunities amid a global gathering.saying.ucts, foodstuffs, animal fodder, chemical ThemovetoRotterdamwaspartofMeanwhile,BremensmayorAndreasproducts, and fertilizers.Breakbulk Europes previously announcedBoyenschulte has asked for more fundingNeustadt Ports Breakbulk plantorotatetheeventamongleadingfromtheFederalGermanGovernment,Expertisemaritimecities.BreakbulkEurope2023saying that the money was needed for the will be held at the Rotterdam Ahoy, adja- ports.BremenitselfisinvestingsomeNeustadtPortrepresentativeshave cent to the Port of Rotterdam, from June500 million Euros in its ports in the next 10been highlighting the high-quality break-6 to 8. We intend to hold the event at thisyears, With an eye on the upcoming 13thbulkexpertise.Wehavecraneand location for two years, and then considerNational Maritime Conference on Septem- horizontal transport capacities for heavy other options for 2024, Davison had said.ber 14 and 15 in Bremen, Bovenschultecargo of more than 200 tonnes, backed Bremen and Bremerhaven are jointly set- said: Because the ports, as the pandemicby adequate forklifts and reach stackers ting up a huge booth at the forthcomingand the energy crisis have shown, are ofto handle heavy cargo, making Neustadt Breakbulk Europe event in Rotterdam.national importance, we consider a greaterPort the ideal site for the breakbulk traffic. ESPO Conference in Bremen participation of the federal government inBesides loading onto ships sailing on the the port funding to be only fair. Presently,high seas, our terminal also offers other Bremen is also gearing to play the hostthe federal government pays annually 38services for the conventional loading, a city for an important European maritimemillion Euros for all German ports; BremenNeustadt Port official tells the American event, the European Sea Ports Organiza- receives 10 million Euros.Journal of Transportation.Neustadt Port tion(ESPO)ConferencefromJune1-2,ThePortofBremenandthePortofoffers quality environmental and security 2023.Bremerhaven,asarule,jointlycompileservices,complyingwiththeregulatory Theconferenceisthebiggestannualcargostatistics.Morethan3,700con- standards. event of the European port industry andtainer ships and 1,200 general cargo shipsThere is also plenty of good land to communityasESPOrepresentsportcall here each year; together, these twosupport the ports breakbulk traffic. The authorities, associations, and administra- vessel types represented 70% of all arriv- quays at the Port of Bremens Neustadt tions of the seaports of 22 Member Statesing vessels and 66% of all cargo (in grossHarbor total 2600 meters (8.5 thousand of the European Union and Norway at EUtonnage).Theremainingvesseltypesfeet) with alongside depth of 11 meters political level. included roll-on/roll-off ships and ferries(36.1 feet). Neustadt Harbor offers almost Albania,Iceland,Israel,Montenegro,(777), bulk carriers (544), car ships (379),52 acres (210 thousand square meters) of Ukraine,andtheUnitedKingdomhavetankers (244), and passenger ships (27). warehouse space and over 111 acres (450 observer status with the ESPO.Major cargo items handled at the Portthousand square meters) of open storage Together with Bremenportsthe com- of Bremen and the Port of Bremerhavenfor both temporary and long-term storage. Bremens Neustadt PortBack to Contents THE UNCONTAINED 35'