b'The BBME 2023 called for greater female participation in the industry.BREAKBULK MIDDLE EAST HIGHLIGHTS SIGNIFICANCE OF THE GULF PORTSEvent underscored womens empowerment, education, digitalization and connectivity. By Manik Mehta, AJOT March 2023 | Published in AJOT Issue #751Thanks to the Gulf ports commandingof the UAE Ministry of Energy and Infra- involved in the field, used another session position in sea trade with the rest of thestructure, called for greater female partic- CareerOpportunitiestonarratetheir world,drivenbymassiveoil,gasandipation in the industry and for attractingsuccessstoriesandtheirwork-related petroleum-based exports, and burgeoningqualifiedyoungtalenttobuildupnextexperiences. transit traffic, the regions ports are alsoworkforce generation. These are import- Thesessionsreceivedsupportfrom animportantconduitforthebreakbulkant objectives for the industry, given theseveraleducationinstitutes,including segment which was the central theme ofinadequate female representation and theAbu Dhabi Maritime Academy, Aries Inter-theBreakbulkMiddleEast2023exhibi- dearthofskilledandmanagerialwork- national Maritime Research Institute, Birla tion-cum-conference,heldattheDubaiforce in this sector, a UAE businessmanInstituteof Technology,HigherColleges WorldTradeCentreonFeb.13and14,told the American Journal of Transporta- of Technology, Jordan Maritime Academy, 2023.tion. Lloyds Maritime Academy, London Amer-According to the BBME 2023 organiz- The industry is trying to reach out toicanCityCollege,MiddlesexUniversity ers, the regions most important breakbulkstudents at top universities and academicDubai, Murdoch University, etc.exhibition recorded 6,496 visitorsa 94%institutions and motivate them to embarkRazor-sharp Efficiencysurge over 2022that included projectoncareersinthecargoandlogistics ownersandindustry-dedicatedprofes- sector.TheEducationDay,heldattheWhile ports in many parts of the world, sionalsfromsectorssuchasfreightBBME,featuredindustryspeakerswhoincluding in the U.S., faced disruptions and forwarding,logisticssolutions,ports,highlightedtheopportunitiesforyoungcongestion, the UAE ports operated with terminals, etc. from the Middle East andcareer-seekingpeopleinthecargoandrazor-sharp efficiency, as John Fleming, North Africa (MENA) region logistics sector.a U.K. based logistics operator put it. The BBME 2023, enjoying the patronageFormerstudents,nowprofessionallyIn his BBME inaugural remarks, Hassan 8'