b'This is a market that will continue to expand.- Mathieu GirouxLooking North East where the St. Lawrence River narrows, between Quebec City (left foreground) and Lvis (seen at right). The le dOrlans appears in the central distance.-Photo by Jol Truchontractor for original equipment manufactur- straints. ice-free berth on the East Coast ofNorth ers(OEM)specializinginhigh-precisionLooking at some recent wind projectsAmerica. The site has capacity to produce products,thisenterpriseoperatestwoin the works across Canada, the Canadianmore than 10 million tonnes per year of plantsinTrois-RiviresandMataneingovernment,throughitsArcticEnergygreenammonia.Thesite,withapproxi-Quebec and one plant in Brandon, SouthFund,hasinvestedintheHaeckelHillmately$1 billionof existing storage and DakotawhichfacilitatestransportationWind Project in Whitehorse, Yukon wherelogistics assets, is regarded as an ideal through the central United States by truckfour wind turbines are slated to be opera- hydrogen hub and is connected via criti-or rail. tional by November 2023. cal infrastructure including rail, road, and In an interview, Mathieu Giroux, directorAtInuvikintheNorthwest Territories,pipelines, in addition to its port facility.ofpurchasingandsupplyforMarmena 3.5MW wind turbine and other compo- EverWindremainsontracktodeliver Inc., enthusiastically noted: We considernentsdelivered by barge last fall is des- greenammoniatoGermanofftakers, ourselves very lucky to be in a port-city ontined to reduce local diesel consumptionE.ON and Uniper, by 2025, achieving the the shores of the St. Lawrence River. Theby 30% when the Inuvik Wind Project isgoals outlined in the historic Canada-Ger-St. Lawrence is one of the most import- scheduledtobecomeoperationallatermany Hydrogen Alliance signed in August antwaterwaysoftheworldbecauseitthis year. of 2022.offers access to many markets. The portThe environmental approval from the allows us to penetrate markets when the$6 Billion Green Energy Project inprovincialauthoritiesisasignificant componentsinvolvedareveryheavyorNova Scotia milestone for start-up EverWind and its ultra-dimensional. FirstNationsequitypartners, Member-Marmens chief client base in CanadaBut elsewhere in Canada, as mentionedtou,Paqtnkek(BaysideDevelopment and the United States covers diverse mar- earlier, Nova Scotia has commanded con- Corporation) and Potlotek. It paves the kets from wind and hydropower to steamsiderable attention on both the offshoreway for construction to commence in the and gas turbines. and inland fronts. first half of 2023. Last December, Ever-InCanada,theprovincesofAlberta,EarlyinFebruary,EverWindFuelsWindwasthesuccessfulproponentin Saskatchewan,Ontario,andQuebecareCompanyofHalifaxreceivedenviron- a Provincial request for applications for important wind energy markets. We havemental approval for the initial phase ofCrown land and is now exclusively apply-been in the tower market for 20 years,itsplanned C$6 billion, 1 million tonnesing for leases on 137,000 acres of land Giroux recalled. This is a market that willperannumgreenhydrogenandgreento develop a 2GW onshore wind farm in continue to expand. The towers we manu- ammoniaproductioncomplexlocatednortheast Nova Scotia. The onshore wind facture here are transported on all modesinPoint Tupper, Nova Scotia. It is toutedfarmisexpectedtopowerthesecond depending on the client. Much is movedas the first such industrial-scale projectphase of its green hydrogen production by truck or by rail via the Quebec Gatineauin North America. facility by 2026.Railway (QGRY). For certain markets, theEverWind acquired thePoint Tupperter-latteristhemostpracticalsincethereminalinearly2022.Itsexisting,oper-can be more weight and dimensional con- ationalmarineterminalisthedeepest Back to Contents THE UNCONTAINED 5'