b'into the new year. For example, J.D. Powerwhile low unemployment figures and newoutlook for jobs. They also expect busi-&Associatesexpectstheaveragenewjobsactasaneconomiccounterbalancenessconditionstoworseninthenear vehiclepriceforthemonthofJanuary elements of Shrinkflation as the contra- term.Despitethat,consumersexpect 2023 to be $46,437 an increase of 4.2%dictoryeconomicindicatorsarepopularlytheir incomes to remain relatively stable in over January 2022, although the consul- tagged.the months ahead. Meanwhile, purchas-tant believes the average transaction priceIn January 2023, The Consumer Confi- ing plans for autos and appliances held will moderate as more inventory hits cardence Index (CCI) fell to 107.1 [1985=100]steady, but fewer consumers are planning dealers lots.from 109.0 in December. Ataman Ozyildi- to buy a homenew or existing.Othercontradictoryfactorscouldalsorim,SeniorDirector,EconomicsatTheCox Automotive, a company that spe-impact auto sales. On the one hand, inflation,Conference Board that produces the CCIcializes in reporting on the auto industry, higher gas prices, a strong US dollar and awrote in the January survey, ConsumersintheirJanuaryforecast[updatedin potentialrecessioncertainlyarefactors,werelessupbeatabouttheshort-termFebruary],wrote,Ourforecastcalled Fig. 1Fig. 224 The year of the auto industry comeback?'